Friday, December 1, 2017

Sure glad yesterday was a good day!

Because all last night and today has been nasty!
Now every year we get our flu shots, and somehow mine was in September and Hubby's was just a few weeks ago in between his two cataract surgeries, since that is when he was due.
Over the years the strengths and efficiency of the inoculations have been topics of discussion on effectiveness, since the strains of the virulent flues seem to change nearly yearly!

Any-who, a few years back I had finally talked Hubby into getting one yearly, and we even get the newer ones specifically for seniors, a stronger dosage supposedly at Walgreen's since they give one to someone who needs one when you get one.
Both of us also have had our pneumonia shots, the ones for life too.
So we pretty much felt safe and covered, ya know?

Well, last night Hubby started feeling really crappy and he was sneezing, coughing, and had a sore throat and even a fever 101.7, not good! I suggested the hospital and he refused.
First we tried the cold medicine, and even allergy medication that he took two doses each over the first twenty-four hours, but they did not seem to work and they raised his blood pressure, that he takes medication for.
Every time we buy the so-called HB cold meds we have to throw them out, since they go out of their use by dates before he finishes/needs them again.
That is why we were out.
So I had to have my sickly husband get the vaporizer out, high up on my closet shelf! But I can no longer climb, damn!

With lots of liquids and Tylenol extra strength every five hours or more, the vaporizer, and throat lozengers, his blood pressure and pulse, we have a machine, is staying within the normal range and his temp is staying below 101, as low as 99.5, but fluctuating, as per digital thermometer.
It has got to be the flu, since I don't recall either of us or the boys having this bad a cold with a fever before.  They/we probably did, but I truly do not recall.

The other problem is Gus going out, I can get out to our lanai area without too much trouble and there is another upper fence there around the pool and grassy area all the way around the side of the house... but even with me there he wouldn't leave the patio.

No accidents, yet, but he looks so forlorn he is so used to his Daddy(Hubby) taking him out.
I do believe he is the first of our four legged furry kids that I had not had that much to do with their training outdoors.
We have him three years this December 27th, and for much of it I have not been as mobile as I once was, damn, again!

Sure happy yesterday was a good day!

I gave Hubby my brass apple bell that one of his colleagues gave to me when we worked with the kids years ago.
He is in his recliner, comfy with a fleecy throw and hospital socks, although fully dressed in his usual jeans and T-shirt, side table with his tea, and he did have some saltine crackers earlier with chicken bouillon for lunch, an egg and toast for breakfast, but supper he refused anything, should I worry, yep I do.

But he is stubborn, not much I can do, even when he s well.

I'm thinking his flu shot probably hadn't had time to work yet?

Hoping mine did, and this isn't an uncovered strain.

Some things in life couples shouldn't want to share.
Sorry, but true.
I sure don't want to share my MS with him!

That's it for now... please all stay well and allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to all share those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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