Thursday, September 28, 2017

The answer!

Eureka! Voila! By George I got it!
Are just a meager few of the laments from people in the know or at least think that they are.
But it always does depend on the question(s), doesn't it?

How many on here, yes here, on the internet have looked for other people to tell them about themselves?
From horoscopes to support groups to people who want to make you the best you that you can be!

For me personally, I think of the above lists as just for entertainment purposes, ya know?
Excluding the military, and a lot of support groups, other individuals in the MAKE YOU A BETTER YOU associations for a price are somewhat suspect and should you become approached on here or without your techno device with promises to making you smarter that is without going back to a formal education school college of higher learning etc., or make you richer, thinner, better skin, better credit rating etc. tread lightly and investigate thoroughly! You are a perfect you! Help yourself and you can succeed in anything you put your mind to!
I'm just saying.

And another thing to all the people that need work done after the hurricanes also be cautious when hiring people ask friends or family for people that they have hired prior to this devastation that did very good work, or ask for your family and friends to help to fix and repair, DON'T GET SCAMMED BY CON ARTISTS!
Just thinking...

Moving on...

"Asymptote: definition: noun
a line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance." Sorta like most nights the point of this blog, ha!
Thanks to: Google's dictionary.

The above new to me word was on a piece of paper left in a cryptic  message in the Netflix TV series that I have just finished, Longmire that is an originals series and I just watched the all of the five seasons that were available and found out there with be a sixth, hooray!
For a few seasons it had been on A&E though, so that is what originally confused me from whence it came, and its recent claiming of being a Netflix Original.

Any-who, the above word in all my sixty-seven years I had not heard of it, apparently still learning something new everyday! That's the way I like it uh huh, uh huh, uh, huh!

That other word, dotard that I learned a few days ago, a noun also by the way, meaning an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile that one we all learned, or maybe I just did and you all knew, but boy that one word expresses so many of our ideas of what we had been thinking about you know who... Hits a wee bit too close to home, me... nah not yet!

Not senile yet anyway, weak and getting as old as I can get daily by choice the old not the weak! Thank you very much!

So after this my viewing pleasures will consist of the reboot of Will and Grace at 9 P.M.EST on NBC tonight
and then a strong search before it and after it for more interesting shows on Netflix... a few that I have watched will be coming back over the next few weeks, but meantime I will have to look for interim series.

And you?

On that note please allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to share your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Save the WORLD!

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