Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Staring back at me

Sometimes inanimate objects tend to do that, don't they?
A clock, a dial on a machine, analogue or digital, equipment shouts in its blind banality.
Although, they do have a tendency to move, hands, numbers, words, if you read what they say...they occasionally scream at you in their silent way, or not always so quietly in fits of weeping or angry cries all due to a need to be stared back at by you!

Today I had PT, physical therapy, this time with Sarah, the one person who has been going there as long as myself, over twenty years.
I once again got first dibs on the all over body exercise machine, that has mountains and a choice of numeric abilities, and I was set on four with mountains and to accomplish the terrain within a twenty minute window, which I did, and over sixteen hundred steps and sadly only about fifty calories dispersed/burnt were from me.
Got to use those arm pulleys again, third day for that.
Sarah came up with different combos from rowing to pull downs to pull ups etc. all at the count of fifteen reps deux and fifteen pound weights; I am able to mosey my ride right up to it and no need to get out.
My staring was mostly at the readout on the all over body exercise machine, and the pulleys, as well as at this blank page until I fill it in that is what I see, but don't we all, it could be a metaphor for life and how we live it, hmm, filling in those blanks? WOW it is!

I compose without any preparations and I am very happy with this method, since it rarely causes the page to remain blank; if only for a moment until I gain momentum of thoughts.

Life, on the other hand can be carefully planned, but as most of us know not everything works out how we plan it, does it?
At this stage in life we have been known to wing it most days unless others have decided for us what will be, doctor's appointments, PT scheduling, necessities to be taken care of like meal preparations and laundry and cleaning etc.
We also change things up with eating out, and shopping too!
How truly exciting, hmm?
We are just a couple of wild and crazy guy and gal, aren't we?

Moving on...

My mini research brain took me into a wild unchartered direction this week, although I have been using these two named products on and off for over fifty years... here they are Noxzema and Ponds Cold Cream, did you know that Noxzema has been around since 1914 and Ponds since 1846?
Well, they have.
Noxzema I used as a teenager and never had a blemish and Ponds my Mom used to use and passed that concept on to me, she had great skin. Oil of Olay was my younger adult Mom/ me. I thought I had to use it for dry skin, really in my twenties the only time I had dry skin was from too much sun, but to be honest, Noxzema and Ponds are great and do the trick and are a whole lot cheaper. So over the last year or so I went back to those old faithful's, and the Noxzema has diminished my larger pores, and the Ponds is perfect for removing makeup and has the added affect of moisturizers as it does, especially by those crow feet eyes that appear to be diminishing!
There must be a reason why they have held up so long, over a hundred years, like aspirin, simple basic and cost effective. Vaseline is another highly recommended product, great for really dry skin on elbows and feet especially with drier homes this time of year.
Any-who, how I love to share when I find something that is reasonable and works!

That is all for tonight, enjoy life to the fullest and allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know whom and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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