Friday, December 30, 2016

Whew! I am all calmed and cooled down tonight!

We all have to take a break sometimes... don't we?
Stress can kill.
So I am now taking a deep cleansing breath and releasing the bad air!

Hubby and I even left our palatial manor and wandered amongst the wild crazies returning things still!
But we were on a mission to Home Depot for our next project that is a hush, hush right was more like a feasibility study, although we both hope to realize it is possible.

Hubby also had to pick up some boat hoses at the AutoZone and then of course there was Publix grocery to stop at for New Year's dinner choices and the etcetera's to go with, lobster tails were on sale for $6.99 a piece so I bet you know what we are having, hmm?
Herring for good luck!
And for some reason mussels, Hubby's want, who knows why, I didn't.
Although, my niece Arlene did love them, perhaps he was channeling her?
Sadly she passed away just thirteen days before her fifty-first birthday back in 2006.
She was my half brother Dan's daughter, he was nineteen years older than me, and made me an aunt at five, he was twenty-four by then.
Funny story that I have told many times before, due to being so excited to become an aunt, like I am more than sure our elder son was to become a big brother and others with siblings younger,  becoming big sisters, but I had it in my head to tell everyone and even my kindergarten teacher.
Unfortunately, this was in the beginning of the school year, Arlene was due to be born in October, anyway, my teacher did not know me and therefor believe me I guess, and so she took it upon herself to call my Mom thinking I was telling a story/lie, and my Mom confirmed it was true, exoneration, whew!
I don't think I have a dishonest face and at five years of age I am more than sure I didn't, ha!

Moving on...

Any-who, we had a cold front come through last night so our temperatures were in the fifties overnight and only mid sixties for the day, brrrrrrrrrrr!

I know, I know, my friends and family up north would love the mid sixties!
Seventies to return tomorrow and eighties by Sunday!

*It happened again; this posted when I was still writing, it was no where near finished yet!
I hope my avid lying in wait fans realized it that it wasn't done, since it showed that I  had gotten several hits when this happened! I had not edited either.

Well, maybe I should leave well enough alone.

Good night to all, TTYT!


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