Friday, April 15, 2016

Try harder, pep talk, come on ole gal...

Anyone who has played any organized sports knows that a coach is an asset to get you to be the best that you can be.
Unfortunately, I never did, played any team sports that is that I can recall, except for fun and that was as a child and only occasionally.
Softball was one that I did enjoy and I always liked being the catcher, for obvious reasons.
Oh you don't know?
You stay at home plate don't have to run and the ball usually always comes to you, easy peesy, especially when you are a ten year old girl. That stopped when my fifth grade teacher threw a pitch right at my throat, ouch!
I tried playing catch with a  friend and a football and got my finger broken by a bestie girl friend that knew her stuff better than me and she had a lot of power behind the toss, I was twelve then.
For me I did a little bit safer sports dance, a little bit of tennis, horseback riding, swimming, bicycling, hiking, mini golf, boating, fishing all those sorts of non competitive level sports were more my thing, so no coaches involved.

So in life I have had to be my own coach and whenever, over these several decades I needed to be encouraged to go on it has been myself or Hubby and way back when my bestie, BFF, who is no longer around. Sure Mom and Dad were too, I think as a child, but sadly I have forgotten, I'm sure they were, self motivation is always the best though.

The bottom line is dealing with life on any level needs for a clear head and a desire to get it done!
Now what "it"  is, is different for different people.
From making lotsa money to being able to get out of bed on their own, and "it" sure does run the gamut.

Getting off track is ok as long as it is not for too long and you don't let it get the best of you, ya know, sure you do.
I'm one of those.
Derailing is a more usual than not.
Although, I somehow find my way back, because when your brain starts to work logically again what choice do you really have?
Sort of like not getting older, the only alternative to not getting older that is becoming dead!
Not a choice for me, yet.

Just wanted to neutralize my last night's post with my comeback one tonight.

Moving on...

Hubby cooked again tonight and he chose to make something that we have not had for a long time store bought or homemade but tonight he made from scratch calzones.
Mine was loaded with spinach, mushrooms, onions, garlic, a turkey sausage, his was just the sausage both with part skim mozzarella and low fat cottage cheese in lieu of ricotta, and home made dough, yep had to rise and all.
Yep all the things that cause my tummy to ache.
For quite some time we used to always make homemade pizzas on any given Friday.

It was fun and easy.

I was scheduled to see the gastro doc again this week, but I cancelled.
You see, I am on those two stomach medications and when I don't eat what I shouldn't they work fine, but if I misbehave they don't.
Although, when I experimented without them at all for a while my stomach hurt all of the time.
The endoscopy and colonoscopy both showed nothing seriously wrong was amiss, so I am fine, it is definitely what I consume, was my conclusion, as well as the doc's.

As far as my back goes, my x-rays and CT scans from the hospital did not show any broken bones only that my disk bulges that I have between my vertebrae have multiplied significantly, as has my spondylosis and stenosis in my cervical region, the neck, and the lumbar region, the lower back have gotten worse, but no broken bones, yay! And yes, there is nerve impingement in several locations, thus the pain to add to the MS pain too and numbness.
Actually, the numbness works well for giving my shots of the Copaxone three days a week; I have noticed each location now does not feel the injection, today was my right arm, a bonus who needs those bee sting pains.
You see, the shots go in like doing the Macarena, weekly, right arm, left arm, right thigh, left thigh, right hip, left hip, tummy and then again and again!
Don't worry they give you a diagram to keep track, yep being on track seems to be tonight's theme...
And with arriving back there full circle, allow me now to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy healthy safe and peaceful good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know whom and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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Speaking My Mind: OUCH!

Speaking My Mind: OUCH! :     For some reason I am having stomach pains, considering I no longer have a stomach, just a small pouch, it is q...