Friday, June 19, 2015

To post or not to post that is the question...

Or is it, truly?
Next week marks my seven year anniversary, on the twenty-fifth, of doing this drivel for at times small audiences, very small nightly ones, some nights only eight or ten, but to my surprise, on occasion there are nights that I do get ten times or more even over ones, which is extremely amazing to me, hundreds in one evening, really. And this has happened dozens of times over the years without any logical rhyme or reason...strangely wonderful and exciting, to me only, I imagine.
My original concept, as anyone knows who has been following me over these years, to me this was for whomever else was to be somewhat of an online diary/verbal written down legacy for any generation of our family who might find boring hack-style writing to possibly have some significance of interest or perhaps even some modicum of historic value, to us, only to us.
Sure over the years I have touched on social issues that affect all of us, as well as the mundane evenings of crafts, not to mention my too often opinionated pieces on politics, religion, and race.
Not so dull after all? 
I have shared health problems and resolves as well as consumer products, and companies that are truly people friendly and want your business as well as some that could care less.

All in all, I suppose taking inventory as I just did, and there is so much more I have ranted about here, but as I grow older I find that I would have to read what I wrote to refresh my memories, and its like most things at this age its just like my first time all over again! Take that whatever way you wish...
Pleasant, not a chore, a joy, a feeling of tangible evidence I still have a brain, although many of you might still wonder, but that's okay.
I made you think too!
And so I just talked myself into continuing when I wasn't sure if I should. 
As Jon Stewart stated about the horrendous massacre in Charleston South Carolina these are things that make you want to cry and feel as if this lunacy might never stop with no joy in making any jokes about any of it, and he is so right and if we ever stop feeling how disgraceful these acts are we cannot in our hearts stop them and we will be no better than them. He is a truly good man and his presence will be missed when he retires.
Its like all those true accounting stories of the holocaust during WW 11, or all those murders of people all over the world in Europe and Africa and here at home during the Civil War and Civil Rights Movement that continues today that should have been resolved with no hate, but...due to hatred rampant being only because of people who had the misfortune of being born in the race or religion that the hate mongers have decided did not deserve to exist in their skewed brains.They have no hearts or emotion.

We must speak up and let them know we must love everyone since this is the only earth we have and we are all members of the same race, the human race!

On that note allow me to be the very first to wish all of you to have a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know whom and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: A page to fill...

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