…an unbiased media; sure I
can hear you all saying.
And yet we are told that
there are truthful news networks and those who nearly manufacture their idea of
what we all should know.
But still, here in America we
have always felt we had a choice to pick and chose whom we wanted to
disseminate all important information from for our own continuous ability to have
a window on the world and to keep up with basically what is happening in it.
Recent events has caused our
freedoms of choice, voice and ability to think and act freely to be held in
check with a nasty fear of physical harm threatened by these cyber hackers who
felt that what we in some ways thought might be humorous was not at all funny
to their mind set.
And when put into perspective
I too, with minimum knowledge I really hate to weigh in on all this but, I’ll
say under advisement of lack of fully seeing the movie the Interview that the
insult may be correct with their feelings justified.
No matter how nasty a family
member may be to his or her family most would protect them till the end.
And as with a country and its
leader as much as we as a nation might disagree with our own leaders past and
present we too might find it not so funny if some one even in jest suggested to
‘kill’ them. Emails, letters phone calls and what-not have been sent to all our
alphabet soup agencies , CIA< FBI< Homeland Security etc… what have you when
a threat has come into our land whether in writing or in whatever form these
idiots come up with these days…
What I am saying is that they,
North Korea,
had the right to be upset and not at all happy with the concept of the movie,
but in my opinion they went a wee bit overboard in how they handled it. Uh oh,
now don’t be angry with me folks I am not in the movie industry and they did
not pull the release of the movies the theaters all chose not show it due to
the physical threats to them and their patrons, now who wouldn’t with that
possibility, really?
In my opinion that is worth
not-a-thing the theaters acted appropriately under these unique and frightful circumstances.
“The Courts have always agreed that not all speech was protected. The following list includes some of the most common types of speech that are not protected:
1. Defamation (meaning slander and libel)
Threatening or fighting words
3. Treason
4. Obscenity
5. Lying in court (perjury)
6. Profanity
7. Speech containing copyright infringements
8. Sedition
9. Trade secrets
Words that promote lawless activity
Words that cause
contempt of court”
See we as a people forget
what we had been taught and when we get into the ‘arts’ we take poetic license
to do as we think is acceptable.
But as this has proven to all
of us Americans proud and unabashed with our beliefs that we have the right to
say as we please we must know now that in the world arena this is not going to
continue forever with so many others with their beliefs of what is or isn’t
right, got it?
Sure here at home we can get
away with so much more than the rest of world but Gosh we were just harshly
spanked by the questionable neighbor down the street and across the ponds!
Sure it was wrong in our home
for them to say hurtful things to mom or dad or their siblings and then they
would be told, uh, uh in no uncertain terms!
Authors note: *Please realize
the opinions I express here come from me, a not too smart person so do not
put too much stock in them, please and thank you.
Moving on…
Just received the delivery of
my medication my Copaxone injections that are sent in a cooler in ice packs and
have to be signed for since it is injectable medication; our neighbor said it
was delivered to his home at three this afternoon, just dropped shipped while
he was out
I contacted our local UPS and
let them know what had happened and said that this is the first time it
happened with my medication but many other things from computers to furniture
has been sent to either them or us with the same house number over these last
sixteen years that we have lived in this particular home, and our street names
both start with the same letter as well. I suppose if you are shuffling the
packages too quickly it is an easy mistake?
But not to have a signature
when it says right on the carton?
Any-who, I found a
sympathetic ear and Robin at our local UPS, said she would handle it and let
the fellow know that it is medication that should be handled better than the way
that he did.
On that note of Geez I didn’t
want him to get into too much trouble and she said that he wouldn’t just be
told the proper way to handle it, allow me to be the very first to wish all of
you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all you
blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!
And next time please be here
or be square, ya hear!
Tomorrow night perhaps I will
weigh in on Cuba…?
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