Friday, August 23, 2013

Ya know how you think you enjoy eating certain things...

But NOT shoe-leather!
Foods not unlike songs, places, and scents and other tactile things, for lack of a better word, evoke memories.
And today when I saw liver and onions on the menu of a local eatery I decided to savor that remembrance by indulging in their offering.

You see, when I was expecting our first born, you all know him as ‘number one’, in the months before his delivery, and in those days of his developing 1971-1972, and we were told that iron was important for the development of the fetus.
Perhaps they didn’t use the term ‘fetus’ then, in many circles they still had hang-ups about proper descriptive words used with women.
More than likely I was told the developing infant within me or some such euphemism, yep even then.
Any-who, and so we all knew that liver in most all forms was high in that commodity of ‘iron’, we had no idea about other sources and if we did no one mentioned that green leafy vegetables would have been a better choice, and had more than just iron to offer… and those veggies had no backlash of making you eventually have high cholesterol…

So once a week Hubby who hated liver as many people do and so I could never ever make it at home anyway we were both working long hours and he was still going to college then, and so we would go to a local restaurant on Kinderkamack Road in Oradell, NJ to Haggler’s, where we were living at that time.
They were a dark, near pub-like place with homey good smells permeating the air throughout their parking lot and beyond and of course amplified upon entry; it was the neighborhood hangout and it was more than usual to bump into people you knew.
That was in Hubby’s hometown where he grew up.

It was inevitable that we went there weekly, while number one son was permeating within my womb. Sorry, so graphic, but times they are a changing…Hey; we used to say that over forty years ago! I suppose they are a changing in slow-mo, ha!

And so when I saw that our now local place of frequency offered a meal I had not had that way in oh so long… my deep shallows of my compromised brain spit up that wonderful reasoning of health and vitality that of once long ago that liver and onions represented to me…that is before I needed my statin!

My rationale is that I hadn’t had it in a very long time, so why not go for it!
Besides my last blood work was within the normal range, isn’t that why we take these drugs?
That’s Hubby’s reasoning.
But I am going next week for my updated blood work and once couldn’t hurt, could it?
You know I am glad that I did throw caution to the wind, really!
Because now I know it was nothing like I remembered, it was yucky and dry and tasted not unlike that shoe-leather I mentioned above.
The best liver my Mom made with onions was chicken livers and this was… gosh I didn’t ask… Haggler’s was, dare I say, cows, I think, either way disgusting and I am now cured! That is when I think back and from today's experience that should last for years to come...
But oddly enough Hubby tasted mine, and extraordinarily he said that he liked it?
Not now!

On that note of a little realization that at times we cannot go back to some of those delicious memories of olde… and that, in my mind it is now just racked up to another learning experience; allow me instead to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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