Thursday, August 22, 2013

Slowly I turned...

Nothing happened; due to nothing much going on…Nice for a change, hmm?

Weather was calm until this evening and as I sit here writing, my nightly drivel, there is a light drizzle outside of my door…
Good thing it is outside, not inside!
Sometimes we over explain as people, don’t we?
Logically, I do think you knew that, true?
Sure you did!
Oops, I did it again!

My dear friend who passed away in January on the 29th, the college English professor, retired, of course and thankfully, which gave her time to enjoy that for a few years before she did pass away… well anyway, she said at our writer’s workshop that you must show not tell while writing… I could have that backwards, not sure anymore which is correct, ya know? Blame it on the MS, or not…  Wish she was here to clarify…

Any-who, that I did interpret as building pictures in the readers minds with your words being descriptive of what you wish to compel to the reader to think, therefore feel and imagine, or some such thing?

Books did that for me; they made me get lost in the story line/vein, with the understanding that I was being whooshed off into another world that was no where near a resemblance of my own; different, but more than plausible.
Those stories showed me that imagination and clarity of description and fact checking or research for probability factors is important even to fiction.

Sure when you write non-fiction you must be very careful with your research, and with fiction you can take that ‘poet license’, right?

“Poetic license definition…

License or liberty taken by a poet, prose writer, or other artist in deviating from rule, conventional form, logic, or fact, in order to produce a desired effect.

Thanks to:

With that said; we all have taken poetic license in life too, huh?
Elaborating to create a special effect when relaying a story of a personal experience you may have had, hmm?
Sure you did.
Human nature at its finest!

I like the fact that it said that those who write fiction are considered artists.
I’m just saying…
Better that than some weirdo.

Stretching that part of the brain can be fun and if you do it right it definitely will be.
When I wrote at full force I could write by the tens of thousands of words in a few days’ times; as if I were possessed!

My five novellas were written in record time way back in the late nineteen nineties, The Misty Gable Mysteries.

The first play I wrote was in 1962 at the age of twelve and received an ‘A’ for that, entitled, ‘Sweet Job’, about a candy store robbery.

Lately my imagination has been on hold and instead for the last five plus years I have been enjoying this, (I am spreading my hands out over the screen of my computer) and writing my blog, which I am told is definitely non-fiction.

Yes, what you read is what you get and whether it is my opinion, my crafts, gardening revelations, my complaints, my critiques on movies, song lyrics and restaurants or my consumer reports etc… it is as true as it gets!

And at this point in my life I like it like this, yeah, yeah, yeah!

So on that more upbeat declaration of who knows what allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all you blessings and share the overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Now it's just me with my wicked old brain doing this, no AI was used in the...

...Muddled writing of this blog! Anywho... I have a relevant organic home-grown brain est. 1950 I do have a mind and a voice of my own too! ...