Thursday, October 4, 2012

The debate…

“I believe that Romney was rude to the President with constantly interrupting him; and proving, once again that to me that he is full of hot air, since he really didn't say anything to dignify his answers with substantiated reasoning of how he would go about changing anything.” The above statement appeared online on Yahoo news. The above statement was made by someone that you all know. This person could not continue to watch the entire debate and turned it off around 9:40 PM. The reasoning was the frustration of listening to the constant interruption of Mitt when it was the president’s turn to speak. Gotta love Jim Lehrer, but he was way too patient. In my opinion, I think that he should've interrupted more often and held them to that designated timeframe of the 15 min. for each to respond to the other’s statement. I know that everyone believes Gov. Romney won the first round of these two presidential debates, with one vice presidential debate. There has got to be something said about the ability of President Obama handling a man that seemed like a child who had to tell everyone his ideas, which contradicted all his previous statements as well as his advertisements for the job, the facts were slightly off too. And that this person who made the above opening statement feels that as a country that has been moving forward we appear to be less tolerant of listening to others ideas and opinions. We appear to others as needing to be heard more often and first and our voices are getting louder and more discourteous to one another’s opinions. This is a sad picture for any onlookers, globally, what are we projecting to everyone else. It's been a long time, since we had the reputation of being Ugly Americans, yes; ‘The Ugly American’ movie was circa 1963 starring Marlon Brando, to read more go to: It set the scene, for a good portion, of a decade, how we were seen by the world theater. And it took years to diminish that negative image. Sadly, I would hate to think we’re bringing it back, due to adult men not playing nicely for the entire world to see. Some were very proud and impressed with the way; Gov. Mitt Romney conducted himself last night, thus their opinions of him winning the debate; but myself and Hubby not so much. We saw one as a combative man and the other one who was patient and understanding, and being polite. Now as we all know perspective and perception is like being a Monday morning quarterback we all see things slightly different, but it concerns me that so many saw it so much different than I. The president has been very busy running the country and some idiot just stated that he was being lazy last night. (As you know when I write this I can hear the news in the background that hubby is watching) These debates are so ridiculous, do we really need them? The incumbent is busy running the country and the opponent has nothing better to do than to campaign and study for hours and hours to prepare for this test of debate. It reminds me of the stories we all heard about the student who was late for class and was yelled at by the teacher who later found out that that particular student was working before class to help his family. You know, there is always a reason why certain things happen and we are all curious why Pres. Obama seemed slightly distracted last night, off his usual perfect game. If I was an intelligent person I would believe that he has the weight of the world metaphorically on his shoulders. The job that he won a little less than four years ago has proven to be quite challenging, not that he didn't know that it would be and he is the first to admit it honestly. He also feels and knows that it will take more time to complete the tasks that he wants for all of us, including his own family. Here is an analogy for you, the pilot on a plane flying safely and carefully because he doesn't want to die anymore than we do the passengers. Now if there is a mechanical problem or a bad person on board that wants to destroy the plane than the whole shebang could change at a moments notice and all bets are off. Oh no, there is no coming back from that disaster! But the government has been behaving badly, which has caused the processes of making things happen create a slow down in the change of what our president has been trying to do, but this is still doable, not a lethal disaster. Voting the right people in, in this election could change everything. Am I the only one who thinks that they have been giving him a hard time? I suppose I am one of the few, after last night, that believes there could be so many explanations but none seem to be truly understanding what anybody should know that… Work comes first! I think I'm going around in circles like many of the candidates, my point is that debating is challenging and both of the contenders had two degrees apiece and so no one is saying that either of them are dumb. Although, temperament, calmness in handling yourself in tight situations I do believe that win should go to our president who in my opinion should have a gold medal for that! But as usual, that's my unrequested opinion and I have put that out there in the world nightly here and elsewhere. As far as the quote from the opening I will leave that to you to decide from where it came, but I know you're all very smart… Allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to ask yourselves if you considered every angle of what went down last night and how many mistakes both men made that was proven all day long and kindly count all your blessings after that and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...