Friday, May 11, 2012

A sad anniversary and a nice happening... and another update too...

Anyone who has experienced the death of a close family member can relate, especially if that someone was in the immediate nucleus of relatives. We as a race of mankind feel saddened on these occasions or try to remember all the good times that had happened when that loved one was there to share it all with us…both feelings are spawned usually by specific dates as the years march on, away from the final day that their physical being left us and it all ended. Love is that way, and missing people that you held near and dear, perhaps gets a wee bit easier as the days march on away from that fateful day…but neither missing nor your love for them never ever ends…sure if you have lost someone, you know this to be a fact of our human nature. Some deal with loss with memorials or visiting where their earth suits were buried. But some, like me feel that they have never really left and are here to speak to and talk with and when done with that to hang their hats wherever these beings do these days, so to speak, when not available to listen to our quirky ideas, jokes or maddening talking splurges…Ah, which brings me to my Dad, twenty-six years ago today he passed away, it was on Mother’s Day in America, yes, May 11, 1986 was a Sunday that year. I suppose it was his way of telling me that he was going to be with my Mom who passed away about four years before him. Thinking like that is what sustains me and reassures me, for I was extremely lucky to have such wonderful parents who gave me what others proclaim to continue to have and of course should have, and that, my friends is called, unconditional love! That is why I do think that when I am at my lowest point that they are there, somewhere, still loving me, and don’t any of you say anything differently, for we all need that to hang on to…! I am more than sure each one of you knows someone who loved you that way or that you love that way, if not that is so very sad, and I am sorry for you. I love my sons that way and my husband, AKA Hubby that way too… I guess they don’t realize how lucky they are…yet. Perhaps, when I am gone, but nah, that is never the time to recognize that! Cherish your moments with your loved ones and make each day count to not have any regrets, which my father said that he did not, what a guy! Petty things have no meaning in life only caring for who is important to you… A nice thing happened yesterday after I finished writing here, our number one son called who lives a few hours from here, and told me that he was coming down on Sunday to spend Mother’s Day with me and of course his dad too! That makes life worthwhile… but sadly; number two, son is not in our sights/radar due to his reasons, not ours, but always in our hearts… like many losses are and heartbreaking too. But he is still alive and never ever forgotten and my hope for his return is still in my heart… but it will be up to him… On that not so funny realization, of losing any loved one since that sensation is not unlike having a limb removed…allow me to try to make it end better with an wee bit happier update: and that is that Mom Clara is home with her family and is hanging in there with many obstacles to overcome, but there with her daughter, a granddaughter and even one of her great granddaughters that I am sure will make this Mother’s Day for all of them one to never ever forget! Prayers work and should be continued…by all! Now allow me to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

1 comment:

Linda W. said...

Tilda, I still find myself thinking "Dad would laugh at that." He had a keen sense of the ridiculous ironies of life, and could express more with a smiling shake of his head after he lost his speech than anyone I know. I miss Mama so much. She really knew how to love the people God put in her path.

Speaking My Mind: A page to fill...

Speaking My Mind: A page to fill... :   ...But with what? Stats? Ideas? Plans? Memories? The above stumped AI... this is what AI came up wit...