Saturday, April 14, 2012

Last night and today have been interesting to say the least...

Dear ole chum and her Mom have been settled in and doing fine at home since yesterday.
At first there was a possibility of an infection and I am happy to say that it never happened!
Both women were chilled, but it could be the fact that they have chosen to continue to live up north not down in our always warm PARADISE of FLORIDA!

All kidding aside they seem to have everything under control, which is amazing, but when you have the experience of tragedy in your life you learn when to cry, when to smile and when to punt, hmm?

I know there is barely a human being on this planet that hasn’t experienced life’s low blows at one time or another.
It now has become my wake up call to realize that as bad as things are at the moment they could be a whole lot worse!

And so why worry about worrying, hmm?
Does that make sense to anyone but me?
Sure it does.
And that’s why I love all of you, since you are all brilliant and you read my drivel nightly in spite of what I have to say or not say; gosh I am getting all warm and fuzzy feelings now.

Moving on…
Back to life, Hubby has been diligently taking care of business, thanks Dolly again for those catchy lyrics that I steal often.

He has repaired the dock with that wayward plank. Yep, he cut that little sucker out and put the straight arrow board we saved for quite sometime where that nasty one felt in the mood to do the twist. Oddly enough, if it had been willing to hang in there until our rainy season in June… it would have seen the light and had been straightened out by nature’s touch of downpours!
But most of ye olde board will be recycled, since my front door ramp is splintering and Hubby can cut a three footer from the ole guy… sounds painful, but nah it is done with love and concern for all parties involved and the fact that he will not be totally disregarded like a piece of trash makes anyone realize that even the in-animate can have purpose, and more often than not I do believe. I think that deserves a Ta da!

Hubby also found out that our unused boat décor fixture on our lift, which he maintains every few months whether it needs it or not had two dead batteries that would not hold a charge, yep he tried!
It is decorative, but sadly never used due to me, but we have gone down this road before, and in all these thousands of pages it has gotta be somewhere…

Oh, ok, long story short; I can get on but I can’t get off (get your minds out of the gutter) and the heat would put me into horrendous spasms due to Multiple Sclerosis, got it?
And Hubby won’t leave me even with phone communication.

Back to the fun part of tonight’s dissertation, where was I?
Oh, the boat it has to be maintained anyway and so today was its day. The cleaning is a two day process due to the amount of waterfowl that enjoy using it for the statue that it has become! Geez, who needs the northeast, we got pigeons and more here, and to think that I used to call them doves, but many are, ya know?
A dove sounds better.

And so it was my job to find the best price for two marine batteries and the winner is …..Drum roll please…. Sam’s Club!

So Hubby will be moseying up there probably tomorrow with or without me. You gotta know that the two that we had were from there too and lasted each, respectively three and four years, beyond their warranties!

On that note of some note, I shop for you so you don’t have to, and they also have the cheapest gas right now, i.e. Sam’s Club!

Allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to kindly to count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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