Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jobs work from home, free money, body enhancement pills and contraptions, deposits into my accounts, meet singles of a specific religion or sex or ethnicity or race...

Say it anyway you want to, but I think this neo-authenticity of language of expression has it nailed correctly, a rose by any other name would stink just as bad and we call it not with love but with disgust, SPAM!
Daily we all receive it in our Spam files, how weird is that?
We have a separate file for this crap!
Sure, we don’t want any of it, but for some strange reason technology has decided with their knowing ways that it’s not good enough for our REAL EMAIL, but just right with the ability of forethought to relocate it to our special file for this ridiculous non-beneficial lack luster, insulting and mostly not accurate for our true needs garbage infiltrating our online waves…
I don’t get it, do you?

Oh sure, I get it like we all do, the SPAM mail that is, by the tens and twenties in numbers sometimes and some days more than that!
Advertising is one thing but knowing to whom you are trying to sell should be part of the how you market your products.
Listen, I am a handicapped, meaning I need help with walking from a scooter to a walker to maneuver around, and I am nearly blind with my right eye being totally legally blind and the left fogging over from my cataract lens needing to have laser surgery from my initial surgery to replace my lens back in 2010, and Hubby and I have been married for over forty-years. Not to mention I am a heterosexual Caucasian Jew and to add to those minorities I am also a very, very short woman, also a minority!Oh, I forgot did I mention that I am obese too, have you, no longer considered a minority in this plump world, but nasty just the same with stares from people who are better than you, oh wait, that’s thinner than you, ha!(not really funny, but until you’ve been here you can’t tell me, true?)

So at sixty-one I am no longer driving, and therefore not job hunting out there or here, or sadly dancing anymore or looking for a mate. I really don’t think that I need any body enhancements since I have too many and would be more than happy to share with anyone who knows the right way to have them surgically, but carefully removed and taken away to someone more needier than I, hmm?

I am a curmudgeon at best and a pain in the derriere at the very least.
This is my only outlet to sow my emotions into the outer-lands, so to speak…and so I am good for now and my near future.
Now all those checks they want to send me… I say send them!
But don’t expect me to open your SPAM MAILS before I delete them than you have no business offering them… Oh and by the by, you know all those Dell products and Apple Iphones and Ipads too, send them over too I will be more than happy to use them, but I am not signing for them and no you cannot have my only account number for my checking that has the habit of whenever we put some money in, like once a month we take it out, and that’s the way it goes, in and out, bills and necessities, got that?
And so if you found more accounts in my name send them to me too…
I will accept all freebies as long as you know that I do not give out my social security number, checking account number, credit card number or anything that personal, and neither should any of you chumps either!
I might have to clarify here, I mean the idiots who request that for validation for their dishonest employers who want to steal what little we have or you have, and so, in closing…

Life goes on, sure does, and the more it changes the more it stays the same…or fill in the blanks with your own clichés…And remember that…
We all have another commonality once again junk mail via technology, yep that’s the same stuff we still get via snail mail but not as much. What’s with that, but that’s a good thing, huh?

Oh sure Spam has been going on for a long time and to be honest I have only been online for about thirteen years, and of course its’ been all that time.
But I know for us that it comes and goes in spurts and just when you think you have a handle on stopping it… it like a bad penny comes back again!
You gotta laugh, but be careful too!

On that realization of more of life as it truly is allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you kindly to count those blessings and share all those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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