Thursday, September 22, 2011

Be brave, be smarter, be happy, be open minded, be thinner, be better looking, be good, and be ready for anything!

What if we were told to be a coward, or to be dumb, or to be closed minded, be fatter, be ugly, and don’t you dare be prepared for a thing!
If the world was running in a negative parallel universe then I suppose that would be the case.

Sales pitches try hard to sell you something and so do mean-well people who try to sell you a bill of goods…

But what if you resisted following their fair, logical intentions meant to get you to become your very best, what would that say about you?

That you were maybe an independent person or a free thinker?
Or that perhaps you were one of the few who were so contrary to all who tried to help you and so to your own disadvantage of your own welfare and you did the extreme opposite with fear of your true self being compromised and possibly lost?

We know little about real motivation of individuals about doing what we hope would be considered the right thing.
But whose idea is it what the right thing is?

Often we hear about over achievers who crash and burn out trying too hard to be perfect.
I knew a few.
Those who graduated high school at fifteen and college at eighteen, wow those were ‘wunderkind’.
Some I was happy to call friends.
But miraculously many went on to become average people blending in with us regular types with no one ever knowing they were once considered brilliant and had so much promise!
So being smart can have its ups and downs, beauty too, thin too.
I tried both, pretty and thin, and to be honest at the time I was successful.
But now I am neither and I am still me, what I can’t understand is why many cannot get past the outer shell of that, which is still me.
As far as getting smarter when you aren’t brilliant everyday you can open your mind to learning something new, and that kills two birds with one stone.

Now when we have an experience that is horrendous in life, we tend to learn to be prepared for whatever may come next in that similar realm.

What brought on this train of thought, well my seventy-eight year old first cousin, my father’s sister’s son has gone back to college! And I believe that is just incredible, since he graduated years ago at the regular age for that and he was an engineer/city planner and raised seven beautiful, brilliant children all with Ivy League educations, and so I was quite impressed when I found out via an email today and sorry to admit a wee bit jealous too.
But other than type one diabetes that he unfortunately inherited from our grandma. I believe he is in good health for his age and lives in a state where excellent schools of higher education are plentiful! Hooray!
Nice to know that nothing stops some of us no matter how old you are, and that brings me back to learning…
To say we never ever stop would be redundant but that is SO TRUE!
But dear cousin of mine you don’t necessarily have to go back to a formal education to learn, you can ask questions of people, utilize the internet, go to the library for research and investigate what you care about and go to workshops and conferences for your own particular industry and on and on and on…
Learning is limitless and the ways to do it are too!
All I am saying is that it doesn’t have to cost you a dime if you want to find out anything they’re more ways than I can count to… for math also, just about anything or I should say everything!

Life is what you make of it.
How profound, nah you’ve heard that one at least two trillion times before…gosh did I just count to two trillion?
I sure did and that is how many or more ways that you can find out how and what interests you and brings that spark back to your heart for wanting more… NOW GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!

Any-who, dream on and you too will find your heart's desire and PS don’t let anyone tell you ‘TO BE,’ anything unless you want ‘TO BE or NOT TO BE', see I even know Shakespeare, ha!

On that silly, that I hope you all appreciated for that is why I am here… and also to allow me to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you kindly to count all your blessings and to share all your overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

PS a thumb update, my avulsion of the skin injury, look it up its nasty...see I did and I learned something new...

you see I now have a smaller bandage! TA! DA!
The bill for the whole Saturday hospital run to stop the hemorrhaging was $1129, but due to no insurance I received a 75% discount when paid within in 24 hours and so we paid the whole thing of $282, on our credit card! That will be paid off next month when it comes in, amazing! And thankfully not too worrisome, huh, all we have to do is not eat out for a while, perhaps a few months, but that is doable!

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