Sunday, September 25, 2011

Interesting to me and me only...perhaps...or not...

This is the representation of all the elephants in your rooms and so now you do not have to be concerned any longer since you can see that I have him contained,

and so fear no more! I got your backs too! And this is not smoke and mirrors it is very real and if you must know how it is done... I discuss it all, those so-called taboo topics, here nightly, so you don't have to.

TA DA! I thought it was viable to mention in my own interest that no cruelty to the animal that is my model under the empty cage/ vegetable/ fruit bowl who is my elderly onyx elephant. Unfortunately, his trunk was chipped years ago, but I could never bring myself to put him down, and as you can see he has survived in spite of his injury, which some say makes him no longer good luck. Well, I never! (Wink, wink, sure I have) There you go, my bad luck caused by clumsiness, so typical of me!
What do you think of my opening monologue?
Oh, wait, this whole thing is a monologue every single night!
No actual repartee just all one sided talk/write to me ala one way discussions on everything from A to Z and everything in between…OH WHAT FUN, huh? A wee bit psychotic too? Nah, than all writers must be…well, we all know the answer to that one, some of the best were, a little off that is, but drug induced. Perhaps, some of my legal physician prescribed ones was what once were the ones that were not, legal that is?
Well over three years now of this nonsense and I have been aiming to try for silly talk too!
After all my goal here, and yes friends there is a reason for all this… (Imagine me spreading my open hands around in circle as I explain the why, OK?)
Is to entertain and secondarily to possibly inform as much as my wee brain will allow and slipshod method of fact checking helps me be the long winded provider of interesting commentary nightly for your consumption, got that?
Okay, I’ll wait for you to catch up; I do realize some of this is way too deep for many with common sense brains and no leeway for Tom Foolery or in my case Tobi Foolery!
Long enough, what do you think I have all night?
Ha, of course I do… what else have I got but this?
Sad, but true.
Geez, that’s NOT FUNNY!
Moving on… apparently many do read what I put on my Facebook wall occasionally or I should say cumulatively over many seasons… today I did hear from some one from where I grew up but they did not read the part that I was from her town which is right there on my profile page!
Whoa, upsetting!
Just when you think you are reaching people they foul up your thinking, but gosh I discovered that many are just surface readers just like many are surface cleaners.
You know the types that sweep the dirt under the rug or don’t move the stuff on the shelf when dusting?
We used to call that doing things half-assed, I think that description still applies with people who like your link but don’t click on it and actually READ IT!
I suppose there is nothing one can do about that, and now in my own unique way I have probably alienated more possible prospects… to read my blog nightly.
You would think at this point with my insecurities of popularity that I would give pop quizzes on what I wrote to my public, but noooo……… not in my true nature, although from this you might now know I have thought of it.
Stat wise, weekly, ten countries read this trite dry rot of mine and I have had over nine thousand hits on my posted blog in the last two years since the first year the count was lost due to a computer malfunction, but if I recall it was also a few thousand as well, and for all this I should not be so self doubting, but all us artist types are, ya know…LOL!
Kidding, chill and I will too.
Did I meet my promise of entertaining you tonight?
If so, let me know, if not keep it to yourself.
On that blanket statement of my true oblique self portrayal of me allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you kindly to count all your blessings and to share all your overages and we will too!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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