Friday, July 8, 2011

Fear 2 the followup and resolve; I think...sure it is, yep!

A few weeks ago I ‘spoke my mind’ about my fear of leaving the house due to such extremely hot weather and my immune system being compromised from the heavy course of Solumedrol 1000 MG IV infusions for three days and that the heat is Multiple Sclerosis’s enemy and does exacerbate it and I also mentioned the thought of possibly becoming agoraphobic, which is the fear of wide open spaces and public places etc.
One phone call changed that all for the better.
I called my support team for my Copaxone, Shared Solutions, where they have RN’s available all week long and my nurse told me that I should not leave home without it that is my cooling vest. And so far I have worn it all three times I left the house.
You see, when I went with Hubby that day of my ‘what is it blog’ to the grocery store, the one day with my IV infusion line in my arm, little did I realize how detrimental that outing was going to be, since I felt miserable after it. Not thinking it was the fact I was in a compromised health situation BIG TIME and not even to mention we were at the height of our heat wave here, oh no… I did not put two and two together until too late, and then became that fearful person I wrote about without reasoning to explain to the masses, which I am sure you thought was odd since at that point I had gone out…It took me a few weeks to figure out whom to ask on how to manage my situation and I finally got the right answer and became an indoor person no more…outings could truly be outings with my COOLING VEST on all of the time, yep not on off.
It too got the wide eyes of wonderment out of people not knowing what it truly was.
A few thought it was a back brace and again I explained what it was and what it was for, and no one seemed to know that MS could be that way, weather wise. One suggested moving to Alaska and I said no it is either temperature, too hot or too cold that affects us with Multiple Sclerosis, with too cold my spasms go fluey and too hot they do too, numbies are rampant, plus I just feel weird, or yucky, sorry for being so technical, but that’s the way it is for me… Others that suffer too may understand what I am trying to express…sorry to the rest of you, but be happy that you don’t have first hand knowledge since that would mean you too would have MS, huh?
Now, I just will be wearing my vest wherever and whenever I go out. Mine is really for under your clothes but easier for me to put it on over them and it is a fashion conscious neutral kaki color with Velcro sashes and so it is not real ugly, the cold packs are placed in Velcro openings and there are four doubles with four double backups we take along in our cooler, and I am all set to go anywhere, hooray!

Today, the Shuttle Atlantis made its final journey to the space station and was met with a send off beyond belief with nearly a million ground well wishers!
A bittersweet era has ended.
That is with the two shuttles that exploded and all the true success of its accomplishments in the shuttle program.
Whatever comes next I am sure will not be in the too distant future as some fear, fear no more…since all you gotta fear is fear itself! We can’t carpool with Russia forever, huh?
Nah, something will go up from here and probably sooner than we anticipate.
I have faith in humankind as we all should…as all Americans should in ourselves.

On that note of something positive let me be the first to kindly wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you to count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

PS my medical supplies that I had overages of that could not be returned and so I wanted to give them to the Red Cross for the latest devastated victims of the tornadoes or floods, but they would not take them and suggested that we give them to our local free clinic and so now they have found a home as of this afternoon when Hubby dropped them off. TA DA!


Kristin said...

Awesome Tobi !! XO<3

Kristin said...

Awesome "Tobi" I always love to read your Blog XO

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