Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bella Vita

‘Bella Vita’, is Italian for the ‘beautiful life’.
Sadly due to the wearer of it as a shoulder tattoo most people today are associating it with an alleged child murderer who did not get her rightful ‘mia cattivha vita’, bad, vicious mischievous, wicked, savage, unrighteous, evil, vicious, malicious, naughty, brutal, villainous life, which many people believe would be more of an appropriate tat for this young woman instead of her gaining her freedom in only six more days. You see that her tattoo was artistically attached to her after her daughter was missing for a month and that joyous non-motherly remembrance of how she felt without any encumbrance of her child is detestable to most of us mothers. And yes, that is right, well not right but true; in six more days Casey Anthony will be a free woman.
And there is no one to file a wrongful death civil suit this time for her daughter Caylee to get the justice that the masses are proclaiming or maybe there is... her grandparents could, couldn’t they? Or maybe the people at large, meaning us, could we? I don’t really know how that all works do you? Although, in her case she has no money and so that would not even make her have any pain, not like OJ who never ever paid the Browns or Goldman’s I think, for when he was proven responsible and yet he still did not bleed from monies being removed from his wallet. No justice there either, until he screwed up again and this time in Nevada they got him dead to rights, excuse the pun, but an appropriate term in his case…
Oh well, this is the way the system seems to work, huh?
The biggest problem that Casey will have on the thirteenth of July is what book deal or movie arrangements will she want to sign with and who can she trust to take care of the contracts?
Geez, too bad the state of Florida cannot appoint attorneys to handle that for her, hmm?
I know as Americans if you cannot afford to pay for an attorney one will be provided for you in a court of law, blah, blah, blah… How many times have we heard that trite, but necessary legal repartee for CYA(cover you a---s) purposes on TV shows, as in real life too, nearly as often as what your elongated version of the Miranda Act circa 1966, is of it as your rights when they cuff perpetrators halfway through the hour show, huh?
I really do hope that everyone who is so angry with the outcome of the trial does not do anything foolish or vigilante, since that would be promoting violence and hypocritical of why many are so angry with what transpired and what she did do in our opinions, huh?
I know it is difficult to grin and bear it but folks besides the civil suit, of wrongful death, which I do wonder if one, could be a class action type if there is such a thing as that with all the upheaval nationally, hmm? And another idea then don’t buy her books or go to her movie which are fine legit protests if you want to ruin her financially, but then she would not be able to pay back the fine citizens of Orange County Florida. And all the expenses she racked up that the monies when she lied to the police officers and they searched for her wild goose chases and continued for five months looking for Caylee; and so I suppose we are all between a rock and hard place on this too, huh?

A lot to think about, but what I would like to know for sure that this young woman will somehow grow a conscious and feel the pain that she has put all of us through… and then she would know that pain of loss that the rest of us seem to so easily have in our repertoire of emotions, since we have apparently have lost someone we loved… perhaps in her future it will happen and then her light-bulb will awaken that sentiment and passion for that loved one and then and only then will she get what she so rightfully deserves, sadness and misery and emptiness of a love loss, hmm?
And that is where I stand on this the Casey Anthony saga; this is my end to it and perhaps yours too?

On that thought to ponder I will let you care as we with hearts do, and sometimes we have been accused of caring way too much but love of life can be like that, huh?
And let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night anyway, do try, and kindly remember to count all your blessings, which I am sure you have many and share those overages and we will too!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

Just in: Four more days Casey will now be released on July 17th instead of the 13th.

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Speaking My Mind: I'm all fired up and, will not take it anymore!

Speaking My Mind: I'm all fired up and, will not take it anymore! :   Have you ever gone to the emergency room of your local hospital an...