Monday, April 11, 2011

Who doesn't remember the idiom, “It’s nice to be important, but more important to be nice?"

Some things just make memories come rushing in.
When I was a young woman in business my dad used to tell me that “it’s nice to be important but more important to be nice” and he was a very successful business man for nearly forty years with employees and customers all loving, laughing and respecting him. And so when I worked in management or as a business owner myself I always would hear those words resonate in my head and I would work hard to work well with my employees or co-workers; thus making for a much better work environment for all. The nicest thing anyone ever told me was that I was not a bossy boss and that we would be the top producing teams, which did happen.
But in life in general it is an idea that works well when teaching our children to share and behave in all that they do in the world; it teaches them to have compassion when you can put yourself in the other persons place too.
That simple sentence means so much to so many.
Equality is important more so than anything else in life, why it could be the modern version of the Golden Rule by treating others how you want to be treated, huh?
Interpretations are a dollar an explanation, but this has simplicity of definition.
Just being nice is an easy request and that should mean to think of others before ones self, correct? I would say that is quite straightforward.

What brought this on was rather silly since I was just watching, ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ this afternoon and one of her guests was Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson and he said the quote and Geez right now I forgot in what context he used it, but contrary to his muscular and ruggedly handsome appearance he is a college grad and intelligent in my opinion.
Any-who, lately when I hear something it occasionally triggers a memory in me, and I am sure you all know what I mean and I bet it has happened to you too.
Déjà vu feelings and happy recollections to me, and this time it was my dad’s words and his using of the same expression.

Last night after I completed my blog on occasion I do hear back on Facebook from some of those friends too with comments and last night that nice man who is the Chorale Director for Charlotte County said another thing that sounded as if my dad had been channeled too and I even told him that, Lee Stein; not my deceased Dad, if only.
My father was a wonderful, funny and decent man and the first to tell you that school and he did not get along that well and even though he did set out to become a lawyer after about six months of college he realized he wasn’t going to be able to do it and so he, one of six children made the decision to make sure that his younger brother would become one and sure enough his brother, my uncle did! With that said, dad was not an academic whiz but a smart man just the same and was always upbeat never mean, sad or angry that I can remember and he would always say such positive things.
Today as an adult, alright an older adult, yes nearly a senior and in some circles, yes a circle, a circle of life, Nah. Why in AARP I have been a senior for nearly eleven years!
Anyway, my point is that now I know that as much as I loved my dear old dad, and I can say that since he was forty-three when I was born…he ‘may’ have plagiarized those cute, positive and happy go-lucky idioms that we all love to use and in many of our lives have turned into our favorite clichés! But that’s OK since now it has been a part of my journey to find these bits of my history’s histories and the origins and my journey has taken me all over this net and that is so cool! Dad passed away on Mother’s Day May 11, 1986 at the age of seventy-nine and if he were here today he would have been one hundred and four this past January.
Gosh he was one of the greats in the history of men and I do miss him and ‘his words of wisdom’ that he would spew to me daily, what a guy.

On that happy thought of joy in my heart let me be the first to wish you a very happy good night and to ask you to kindly to count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, L7, ya hear?

PS I did go to my neuro’s appointment today and apparently I am a stupid gal since my neuro tells me that I should get the cataract surgery that it could help my right eyesight and that I may have misunderstood what she said, oh well…I do have cognitive problems! Well, at least now I know there is hope for righty after all! And in September I will see what she has to see, got that? And no to going off the Copaxone, since it IS working! Figures! And my cooling vest arrived this afternoon and validation of the IRS payment plan too, since we had to call when they sent the wrong info once again!

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