Thursday, February 17, 2011


Secrecy, anonymity, obscurity, ambiguity, inscrutability, vagueness, unknown, anonymous, unidentified, a whodunit, detective novel, thriller and last but not least a crime novel all are forms of mystery; whew am I exhausted, what a mouthful!
How many of you knew that? I bet all of you did!
But I am happy that my own confusion on genres of books that I classified as mysteries fell into those four categories of a whodunit, detective novel, thriller and crime novel.
You know I always thought they did but I thought that some authors prefer one of those labels over the others and it is good to know that it is just a personal preference not my actual mistake to call someone’s work this or that!
I think I mentioned, maybe a hundred times or more about the series of five murder mysteries I did write that were nearly published way back in the late 1990’s by Gardenia Publishing, any-who I screwed that up with a speaking out of turn misinformation, you know some things never change.
I also contacted one of my favorite woman author's publishing house and I suppose I ruined that by saying that the real person and her character she wrote about were as different as Cher and Mother Teresa! But I did say how I loved and read all her books; it was just her bio that threw me thus such a contrast! PS it was Sue Grafton, oops did I say that?
I was always told to write about what you know… although, I must admit that I have never ever murdered anyone though I did enjoy reading that genre and Hubby is a retired deputy and so I had insider info on how it all works, and that is why I thought that was a good start in the knowing factor?
Apparently, my mouthy display of my opinion or honesty does not sit well with most of the publishing world, huh?
Poor me, nah, I sabotage myself all of the time, and then I wonder why I did it?
I engage my mouth before I think all controversies through; that’s why writing is a better communication venue for me, since I can edit as I go…hmmm…
But as we all know I have written many things that I shouldn’t have including those letters to those publishers and that is why there is NO MYSTERY in this gal!
Sadly I exposed myself to scrutiny and ruined my own imposing mystique of how I literally appear to the world by going out into it and now there is one of my Facebook friends that saw the damage that the years and illness has taken on this being of me. Pretty young thing now obese and ugly! The ugly is due to an extreme dog bite over my lips by my younger son’s dog that we took in when he went into the Navy as well as his cat. The dog Andrew was a pup from that same hurricane that we all had gone down to help with in that aftermath it was not the collie-Shepard’s fault really I had been writing and editing on my books and he decided to lie below my computer chair and for some strange reason I had to get up for more coffee or something and I rolled over his tail and when he yelped I bent down and asked him if he was all right and then he growled and ripped my lip nearly off!
At the time I was all alone since Hubby was in Tampa, one hundred miles away at a hurricane conference and so I got into the shower and washed it out, got myself dressed held gauze on it and drove myself to the hospital on a Sunday!
They took one look at me and asked me how it happened and I told them and they immediately said that I would need a plastic surgeon and that they would call him and as far as I know they did right away. But when the wait turned into one hour then another and then finally after five he did show up Dr. Constantine who has recently rose to some political office, the so-called best in the area. He told me two things that he was at a barbecue or perhaps the nurse did; it was quite a while ago, anyway the next thing he said that he wouldn’t touch it since I smoked!
He wanted me to promise if he did fix my lip that I would quit and I was internally fuming at this point as anyone could well imagine after waiting five hours with a literal bloody lip falling off their face! I again was honest and said no that I couldn’t promise that right now and that was the truth! Others may have lied just to get him to do his so-called superior G-d-like mending but no, not me! I was too truthful under devastating to me circumstances, and yet he gave in and said OK.
I suppose I called his bluff. My little lip took forty tiny stitches that many say they cannot see; all but me... since I see them daily! Then to top it off a couple years later I had a hard lump in my left cheek that the dermatologist felt the need to biopsy and he too cut into my face! And installed a couple of more stitches! Am I sounding like a horror movie to you yet?
Full disclosure here, and now many say that gathered skin has also diminished but once again I still see it! Being so fat does seem to take care of lines and gatherings on the face though; I must admit one of the only advantages to being this fat!

Are we all so shallow or is just me with my appearance, although my temperament is also not where it should be either and I do have many personality flaws.
I honestly thought I was not that great looking as a young woman but a decent human being just a bit naive. Although I did model for all the department stores that I worked in there in a managerial capacity; they asked me to model and so I did and it was fun. And consistently moved up my positions in their companies at fairly quick paces, had to be my abilities, but who really knew.
Doesn’t that prove my point we are never satisfied as human beings when that is so sad.
And that is not to say that we should stop trying to be better than what we are at this moment, but perhaps we should re-evaluate and not be that disappointed in who we are when we are, got that?
I am me, and you are you and now the mystery is lessened, huh?
Someday I might even publish a current photo of me; in this body now that would be a gutsy move, nah… what will that prove?

On that wee bit of continuing mystery in me I would love to be the first tonight to wish you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count those blessings and to share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

PS Andrew the dog did die a few years later of liver cancer that we nursed him with for several weeks, but when our son was originally told what had happened with me and his dog a while after it happened and we were actually all better he thought that I should have put the dog down.
I still contend that it was my fault and we did find out that Andrew had arthritis and it very well may have been what caused him to react as he did, and ironically we think it may have been his arthritis medication that caused his liver cancer which is rare in dogs. He was jaundice and vomited bile it was a dreadful way to go! And he was only eight weeks old when he was saved from Hurricane Andrew that poor dog what a sad life, although he did give us many years of happiness nine in total if I recall correctly. He was our son’s companion through all his college years at USF!

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