Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sadness never seems to end for us...on this day of remembrance...

Below is a segment from my Blog from last year updated on this hallow occasion:

Friday, September 11, 2010

“Of course everyone knows that today is the ninth anniversary of that horrendous day of 9/11, and we all remember where we were at the time. I don’t think I have met too many that haven’t had their own personal contact or a story of that day and so many individuals that have known someone on that day that they too had lost.

Personally, my best friend’s husband's law associates were in one of the towers, and our niece’s best friend's father was the pilot in the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, our younger son lost friends in the Pentagon, his Naval friends, and a dear friend here in Florida lost her nephew who worked for one of the financial firms in one of the towers as well. And she too has since passed away on the day of the Haitian earthquake, January 12, 2010 of this year. We as a nation we're equally touched, no, actually as a world of caring human beings; except for the ones who perpetrated this horrible deed!”

How all our hearts still ache from a never ending pain, a misery so deep that we have no words to explain.

We as a nation have told ourselves never again will anyone come to our shores and do that to us, and so far so good.

But the war has been officially ended, and in the meantime we as a nation not only lost all those Americans and others on that infamous day, but since more of our loved ones have perished in trying so hard to bring those responsible to pay for their horrendous crimes against us and our security and freedoms.

Will we as a nation or even a world ever fully recover?

YES! We are now a place smaller than ever, since many of us have come together as a united front.

And I do feel that we have delved further into whom the real enemy is, radical extremist, not the common man or woman just trying to live their lives not unlike your mirror image of yourself.

As my father used to say people are ninety- ninety percent good.

Makes you wonder about that one percent, huh?

Sorry, that was uncalled for and rather cavalier.

But what it does come down to logically the people of the world are all basically good people and want what we all want, love, peace, safety, and a reason for being; the commonalties of all human kind.

Concern for my redundancy has made me decide to leave you with this thought…

How safe do you feel with the war in Iraq over and Bin Laden still out there?

If that question gave you chills I know your answer, but if you sloughed it off as an impossibility than I guess you should maybe think twice, or not…there has to be a happy medium to it all, as I have heard many say being cautiously optimistic works… So I will try that, OK?

Happy night to all and to all count those blessings and we will too!

Update: 9/11/11 Tenth anniversary, with Bin Laden now dead how do you feel?

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