Wednesday, September 29, 2010

If you haven't heard of them are they not there, huh?

Hubby said something to that affect, rather interesting while watching the evening NBC-2 news out of Fort Myers Florida just a few minutes ago. I thought I would be nice and give them a plug, who knows why other than them being decent people, and also that I friended many of their news and weather people on my Facebook account, so howdy peeps! It appears that we have another person in the political race in our state that hasn’t been running his ads so much on this the left coast!
But to be honest we should have a score card with the candidates seemingly coming out of nowhere?
Then if you listen to all the negativity you feel like you just want to pull out your hair.
It’s gotten so bad Hubby has taken to muting their commercials when they are on.
Counter productive, but when you think about them NOT telling us what they will be doing only attacking their opponents I wonder if he is so wrong.
Let’s face it once this election is over we will all be happier Floridians for perhaps a day or two.
You see, Hubby and many of us feel that because of all the muck raking we have no clear cut contender for any of the jobs at stake, and that includes our governor’s race.
And we are not alone, many have written to our local paper and I have even voiced the concept of a line for ‘none of the above’ or at the very least a write in candidate!
Even though I don’t have the energy or the stamina to run I at this point would throw my own hat into the ring! LOL, and that’s real bad!
I have very little knowledge on how to run a state or any government on any level, but even though I tend to be honest in my opinions I very rarely speak so viciously of even my enemies; which should be considered a good thing!

The other thing is I would work for cheap since anything would be more than what I am making now which is nil, nada, bupkis, nothing, zilch, zero, and since many become jaded by their bigger than life incomes this could be a good thing relating to our populous on a more realistic basis.
You do know they, our congress, went off and left the rich without those additional taxes today, even the liberal Democrats helped, and do you know why that was? Hey Republicans you have gotten them on your side, wow what a feeling!
Since I think that they all or I bet most make that 250 K or more that would be under the new tax adjustment, huh what do the rest of you think is the reason?
I think I hit the nail on the head! (For you kids that means that I got it right.)
Shame on congress! (You try to figure out their site, since I gave up! Just copy and paste:
I think they did that on purpose but I am not that smart.
And that could be the problem with most of this political stuff, neither are they.
All I want is for my friends to find the jobs they want and need, and their homes NOT to be foreclosed on anymore, health care to really be affordable for everyone, and a chicken in every pot! Oh sorry folks, I was on a roll….
But wasn’t that the cry or promise with the last depression?
We seriously need to put people to work and to fire everyone in Washington D.C. or at least cut those salaries where they could relate to the rest of us, and make it hurt them too. So they don’t get away with all the breaks and the so-called middle class get what they so rightfully deserve; a real and true break, not a heart break! TA DA!

And STOP BLAMING THE PRESIDENT, when every single day the people in the house and the senate make his promises not come true due to their voting against him or holding up their votes or letting the proposals go into oblivion from stagnating way too long!

WHEW! That felt good!

On that note of telling you all my feelings that I usually keep under wrap, ha!
I shouldn’t lie like that, and that was a bold face one, so sorry folks!
Any-who, I want to, wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you all to count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

So next time be here or be square, OK?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just want to clear the air we do have income and I was being facetious on saying I have none.

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