Saturday, July 3, 2010

Today was a get outside and admire the cooler temperatures type day...

And so bright and early I showered got dressed and started taking photos outside to send by email to our Canadian friends. I had wanted to show them how green their lawn had gotten from all the rain we had been having lately. They live just across the canal from us.
It warmed my heart too to see that our thought to be dead Allamandas were finally showing new growth and they were coming back after that horrible historically frosty long winter we had had.
I took ten PICS in all and sent them on; and received a sweet email back.
Two I must add were of our Muscadine grapevine that we have growing on our arbor to our side courtyard, I like to call it our vineyard, it has many bunches of grapes this time of year but our Montreal neighbors never see it since they are here only in the winter for their allotted six months.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Wouldn’t it be nice if I could figure out how to send you all pictures on this Blog, nah, then you wouldn’t know what I was thinking, huh?
Not as much fun for me anyway! And a really scary thought for you all, eh?

Hubby awoke fairly early too and we had made plans to go to the grocery before the crowds we thought due to this holiday weekend being in full gear.
Much to our surprise it was either too early for the masses or we came at the right time.
For we got our good handicapped parking spot, right up front and they were not that busy at all, and Hubby only had one person in front of him when he went through check out; you see I stay over by the non used isles in my mobility scooter not to be in the way.

Any-who tomorrow is our nations birthday, and I wonder like with so many holidays if children are told what it is all about, not just fireworks, hot dogs ice cream and watermelon, apple pie and etc…
Each of these days we celebrate I do so hope that the parents of children are explaining how we got to be here and why, here I will help all you parents by making it slightly easier on you: copy and paste this site and you will have the information that you need, ok?

For us locals in Charlotte County tomorrow is going to have a plethora of choices for you and your family and so copy and paste this one for the fun of the day:

Before all the hubbub of the day began I did my usual reading the paper, checking my emails, and looked to see if anything exciting had been posted on my Facebook page.
I took care of two things I was happy to see on the Tampa news that the suspect accused of the police officer murders turned himself in last night and so I posted the link to that story for all to know.
And then I notice a new magazine was launching their first edition of local family oriented information for what’s happening right here in River City type newsy rag.
So with all my shamelessness within me I had the nerve to ask if they ever add local Blogs into their pages or some such thing, and believe it or not I did get a response saying that I could submit an article to them! At first I foolishly thought I was special but then I realized, but can’t anyone? So I wrote back and asked too many questions about criteria and things of that nature which will probably make them have second thoughts on why they should have said anything to this very weird person.
And guess what?
So far I have not heard back this time.
Smart people I suspect, anyway the new magazine will be out locally for free at their advertisers locations and at all the county libraries next week!
For more information: copy and paste this site:

On that interesting note of excitement in my little piece of the world I will bid you all a very good night and to all count those blessings, and have some fun, and we will too!

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Speaking My Mind: Knowing is half the battle....

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