Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Library day!

Today, actually this morning, as you can see by my title today was our library day.
Hubby is reading James Patterson’s, ‘Sail’ and I am reading James W. Hall’s, ‘Silencer.’
Mr. Hall now that you have access to my Blog here could you please write a little faster I am all caught up with all of yours after I finish this one!
But after one chapter unfortunately I fell asleep. OK so I am going slightly slower than my old voracious a book a day habit, what can I say, folks? My brain and my eyes are in need of a slower read for me these days I suppose due to the MS, some say I should switch to books on tape, but I think that would distract me too easily? Feedback please, for anyone who’s not trying to multi task it seems too strange to me.

It has to be the weather here, the sleep thing that is, I got a wee bit off track like I do so often and added more to the above paragraphs.
And so what I started to say which our air here has been either heavily laden in humidity with high temperatures or rain all due to Hurricane Alex way across the Gulf of Mexico heading into Mexico and just brushing Brownsville, Texas!
By the time it arrives it is supposed to be a category two which is frightfully nasty and destructive. Our experience here was with Charley 2004 a category four, but they all are really bad anyway you look at it, trust me…We also helped after Andrew 1992, a cat five.
But even with that real south western location it still has done a number on the oil spill cleanup way north of there!
Apparently, with the winds causing the waves to crash at two to four feet higher making the past cleanups null and void, delays for continuing as much as a week and that clotty brownish red glop continuing on its merry way towards all those innocent Gulf coast states shorelines, including our own panhandle of Florida! Our Governor Crist is now requesting fifty million from BP for advertising that most of our state is still just fine!

Well I suppose most of us got that dreaded answer to that dreaded question, oh you don’t remember… let me refresh… “How will a hurricane impact on the oil spill?” Sadly, even at the distance that it is it is doing no good, as most of us thought, but were afraid to say that it would!

The last four days I have not gone into our swimming pool, since I think that in spite of my religious applications of sun screen my shoulders are pealing or doing some other horrific thing that stings when I even but lotion on them, and Hubby was kind enough to clip some of our own garden variety aloe and I have been applying that. It does seem to soothe me, far as healing goes it appears to be rather slow mo. And so as much as I need the ROM program that too is on hold now.
You see, I have a history of pre-cancerous lesions that had been zapped with a laser seven times, and even one facial biopsy, which fortunately was benign, but did leave a nasty gouge in my left cheek it was a lumpy hard something or other.
Any-who, you know now why I am playing it cool and with this heat etc., wouldn’t you?
Us blue-eyed peeps have a tendency to be more susceptible, but really you all should be careful, everything in moderation, but I know you know that!
Look who’s talking about moderation, LOL!

Anyway, I did want to wish you all a very happy safe holiday weekend and I guess I just did!

On that positive note everyone have a very good night and count those blessings and we will too!

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