Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday, October 11. 2009

After the day we had yesterday I can't say that uneventful is not nice.
Quiet would be an understatement, and non busy would be one too.
But, somehow that’s not so bad.
After all in many faiths Sunday is the day of rest.

I did accomplish a bit by getting two small loads of wash done today and I also went into the swimming pool too; the water was a toasty 91 degrees, in October! I bet you’re all real jealous!

No rain was in our forecast, although we are getting some right now.
I suppose that they the hotsy totsy weather mixed with the high humidity and something just had to give…well, now it has stopped once again, odd it sure made a big announcement that it was coming at us! It’s back…. Weird weather we’re having, but this is Florida, and I should know better that this is not unusual. It’s stopped again; crazy!

And people wonder why we are so different down here; could it be our funky weather systems?

When we first moved to Florida back in August of 1986 we knew that the later attitude of doing things instead of right now, was all part of the states charm, an island nature. But being northeasterners it took quite awhile to assimilate, and I kid the newbie’s that I still am, assimilating that is. In truth at this older age who doesn’t want to slow down somewhat? And my body took that cause up all on its own.

Talk about indecisive; big drops of rain are falling again! How can I tell they are big drops? By looking out the sunroom glass door out into our swimming pool, but I thought you all knew that! It looks almost the same as someone skipping a rock across a pond with the continuing ripples. The only difference is that our ripples are accompanied by loud booming roars of thunder!

With my concern for a possible power outage I will close for the night, and wish you all a good one, and to take care and be safe, and count all your blessings and I will try harder to ascertain where mine may have gone, OK?

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