Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Unity of the world...

His desire was to unify the entire world, all races and religions, he loved them all, and that is what Michael Jackson stood for according to all who loved and admired him and paid homage to the man today at his memorial at the Staples Center in LA. It was something he would have been extremely proud of, and it was such a production that I bet it will win some type of an award. I was extremely impressed by the coming together of all the people, celebrities in such a short period of time and the quality of all that was seen.

Chills and déjà vu occurred when very young Paris Jackson tearfully spoke, on center stage, at the mike of her love for her father and expressed what a great dad he was. The man has left an amazing legacy for his children, and fine young people they are, and I am sure with family support they will endure all that it means. They used to say the measure of a man was the example of his offspring’s goodness and decency. Let us just hope that no one will take advantage of any of the family in their grief.

Mixed emotions over the airwaves about the dominance of the entire way these last few weeks have been handled with all media covering, all Michael, all of the time. Let’s hope that today has put most of the controversy to rest. I too have been guilty of complaining of the over exposure of it all, and pre-empting of the usual programming.

But one thing there is no arguing on and that one thing is… Michael Jackson’s talent was truly undeniably something so sensational that we may never see another like him ever again, he was one of a kind and everyone can definitely agree on that! Many may imitate and have even when he was still with us, but no one will ever be him.

If one good thing could be said about his too early demise I would think it would be bringing again to the forefront the distribution of medications by medicos who will do anything for a price. Too many garbage bags full of pharmaceuticals, prescription, and non prescription, hospital distributing type only for injections and surgery quality were removed from his rental property; no one was watching these doctors remove them from those hospitals or prescribing these items not usually allowed for public consumption?

Doesn’t the DEA check into the domestic distribution by so-called medical professionals when meds get to be too many or too frequently utilized? I thought we had some control on our own shores, with our own legal peeps that get those prescription pads and go haywire, writing out meds like candy? It’s all too much like closing the barn door after the horse broke out of the paddock, or some such saying. Too many celebs over the years have, for a price been able to do themselves in, when many of them weren’t having those intentions at all, just wanting to stop whatever pain they were in at that particular time, physically or perhaps just as blatantly emotionally.

Hopefully, because of MJ’s notoriety this will be the boost to do something finally before it happens again, he went way too soon and way too young and very likely unnecessarily if he had, had better people caring, really caring for his needs, and knew when to say no to him. That’s the saddest part of it all; it may very well be able to have been all avoided and possibly prevented.

On that thoughtful commentary, I will bid you all a good night and to all count those blessings and hold those dear to you a little bit more tightly…for the main reason of logic that none of us know how long we really have, since living our lives is regrettably … terminal….whoa, don’t jump down my throat, no negativity here just stating the obvious friends, we are NOT immortal, are we? Well, maybe me, but definitely not you!

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