Friday, November 7, 2008

All is well and rather quiet

Yesterday I neglected to mention that our President Elect Obama had chosen a few of his cabinet members, Rahm Israel Emanuel as his White House chief of staff, who is an old friend and Congressman from his home state of Illinois; described as a profane attack dog who will definitely have his back. There were more but this gentleman was the most memorable.
Today our President Elect Obama had a press conference that reiterated what he and all of us have been stating is that he cannot run the government until after the inauguration, but I knew that, apparently the media didn’t.
They wanted too much information about everything today.
He handled them beautifully; just like a pro.
Now we must all search to find his adorable family a hypoallergenic pound puppy! Since Malia is allergic.

Today, I walked and then we went on to the Wal-Mart for odds and ends.
We picked up another converter for the living room TV, and a new scale that I already hate!
It lied and said I gained more weight.
How could that be with all my walking and taking of the Alli product?
I had stopped both during the summer, walking due to the heat and Alli due to the expense; I had lost twelve pounds with that previous combo, but gained 15 back over the summer, and now more!
I am very sad.
Mainly because those walks are very painful; my hip hurts terribly, and I can’t take that Tramadol since I also have to take the Pepcid and they interact and my sleeping has been consistently erratic, and nearly non existent.
Thus the grump alert to all.

The other day I sent Oprah my Blog address I thought she might find what I wrote about the day after the election interesting, but so far I have not heard back.
I first tried sending her the Blog itself but again I was too long winded and I surpassed her limit of 2000 characters, thus the sending of the Blog site with the date of the one I thought she might enjoy reading.
Pie in the sky dreams, who am I but a mere mortal what do I expect.
I have written to her before, and no response.
She must get thousands of emails a day.
I guess I’m just one of those.

We do have some weather to report that I was negligent on discussing that yesterday too Hurricane Paloma (Pigeon in Spanish) is to our south in the Caribbean heading towards Cuba as a Category 2 possibly a 3, oh my! Watch out Havana!
Fortunately, for us it is not coming here.

Good night to all and to all try to get some rest and I will too!

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Speaking My Mind: You want to know the truth???

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