Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Wondering... tonight about all TV news... and things

How on slow news days our local TV stations' seem to find delight in looking for disasters all over our country and the world to keep us better informed!

Mostly, I bet it keeps their/ours boredom at bay.
The world is a very nasty place and it takes very special people to weed out the items' selections to get really down and dirty for the worse of the worst to make sure it gains exposure on our small town airwaves!

Suppose it is just to make Florida not seem all alone in the horrific, odd, dumb news items game! Only thing is it's all real, not fake news! And for that truth I am sad.

Joy, and a slight twinkle appears in some of the newbies news gals and guys eyes when they find that college try supreme segmented story that grabs you, i.e. attention, and WOW they are terrific our on-air journalists performing their magical feat! And might I add without even one single net! Ta DA!

Other things make me wonder:

How to find out information from anyone of the local home improvement stores, when they all pass you off to another person then another, and finally someone who might know something, but is not sure when? How and why does this happen in major retail stores?

Sadly, I suppose this explains why brick and mortar stores are not standing the tests of time anymore, aw shucks! Internet beware! Yup, we all have known this for years! And oddly enough customer service technologically is no better, since no one trains their crews to say well since, "I don't know I will ask my manager to find out, be right back."
Although, even this can reach another dead end.
Maybe we all should fix repair or just keep all the STUFF we already have.
And when it comes to medical, get a good first aid kit, and take a CPR course, and pray, or just cross your fingers!
I don't know, but maybe I can find out, wait right here/there, be right back... NOT! Bud dump bum!

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Little bit artsy! And a little bit rock'n'roll!

Speaking My Mind: Little bit artsy! And a little bit rock'n'roll! : What we have below is my ability to make lemons into lemonade, a...