Monday, April 1, 2019

Shredding old paperwork

I know horrifying!
Paper is the bane of our existences!
I realize that by 2019 the 21st century we all should have gone PAPERLESS!
But I am so old fashioned that I worry and need tangibility that what I had done financially have done what all of us should be able to do is pay our BILLS! PROOF that I can touch, once I can find it, somewhere.
Yes, I am familiar with unforeseen circumstances that makes it difficult or impossible to do, i.e. pay bills, been there done that!
So that is why I know the difference in being able to pay your own way!
It's more than refreshing its a wonderful feeling not unlike marriage, childbirth or any new moments in life that make you feel super human!
Or maybe just human.
True independence.

For someone like me who professes to being green in my heart!
Energy Star courses through my veins, and my walls, literally there, i.e. walls electric for our appliances.
At one time we had rain barrels and composted and grew veggies, but no more.
We still have our new appliances over the last two years.
Due to feral cats using our vegetable gardens for litter boxes even with six foot fencing!

We tried ammonia, and many other non-toxic ways, including live catchers, and then after a few years they were gone, and the area where the gardens were with raised beds has been designated for storage, our 15' fiberglass canoe hooked on the fence that we bought over forty years ago we had given it to Number One Son, but he returned it, and weather permitting that area is an agility course location for our fur kids.

Any-who, we still have many fruit trees avocados, mangos both from their pits, Ponderosa lemons, honey tangelos, banana plants, and some still of the pineapples that I started all from one top cut off from the Sam's Club and Hubby continued the process!

So we are very concerned with being green, and it might seem silly that I want those paper receipts.
Well, although I have been on computers since 1982, Commodore 64, and the internet since its beginnings nearly, so why so stubborn?
Due to them only being as accurate as the person installing the information, and we all know that no AI (Artificial Intelligence) exists totally in our real world, people still control, interfere or screw it all up somehow!
My opinion, maybe not as well informed as some, I am no Techy at all!
All I have is experience with when this so-called well oiled machine fails and people can use its disruptions as their excuses.
Case at hand: Take me giving all my medical paperwork to the dental office, medications, doctors' list, and surgeries lists that I asked them to copy and to give them back please, well they copied them apparently into their computer and discarded my paperwork although now they either printed them out or just found them anyway their internet has been down since I was there last week and they have the circular X-ray machine connected to the net and kept me literally hanging and hurting my neck leaving a red mark for a few days, and that was last Wednesday! So they, could not email those three items.

Unfortunately, our old computer where the medical paperwork were in in WORD, and the whole thing crashed forever Friday, which made my concern of getting those updated forms back to make a lot of copies until I acquire another permanent WORD program. Right now, I have a free month on this Ideapad that I had written all my doctors and their phone numbers too exhausted after to do addresses!

So that is my foolish reasoning some may think, until they tweak, fine tune it to perfection, never ever, nothing is. I will try, somehow, to have faith that the Internet won't deceive me with its supposedly to be etched in digital earth and heaven FOREVER, then and only then will I believe!
Until then send me an old fashioned BILL THROUGH THE SNAILMAIL! Sorry folks I just had to.

*In reality I am slowly coming around to paperless, (two or three companies we deal with snuck in paperless, and we /me are managing) since I do pay all bills through our bank online for maybe a dozen years now, so paperless is nearly being seen closer in the future... now if Hubby would just come along on my ride to go paperless... I have emails and Hubby doesn't want any, he had enough when he worked.

That is all!

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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