Friday, March 1, 2019

Tonight's blog is brought to you by expansion!

Great idea! I believe I am at 175% or 200% sizing, and in between my jumpy eyes and fingers I can at least see, sort of...
I will soldier on...You see these eyes have had their cataracts removed and lenses put in my left was in 2010 with a reading one, and my right in 2014 with a distance, not Lasik eye surgery, cataract lens surgery! My right by the time it was done was the size of a "Third World cataract" So my ophthalmologist told me. My neurologist at the time told me it wasn't worth fixing, since the optic nerve was most likely gone due to my reoccurring optic neuritis!
But one doctor looked at my MRI and said I had a fifty/fifty chance of seeing again, oh that's right I had been listed as legally I went for it! The day after surgery my eyesight was 20/30!
After though I had a typical clouding that can occur, and I had to have laser surgery on that eye and it worked for years... until fall 2018 my ON, Optic Neuritis came back with Nystagmus and also asignificant tremor! No fun! A half dosage of 500 mg. IV SoluMedrol for three days was given and I had horrible reaction, not only diabetic with glucose of 374 and I'm not ordinarily a diabetic, and my GFR for kidneys dropped to 32 that is 3a CKD, when above sixty is normal, mine had fluctuated in the fifty range, but now the last blood test was 70 GFR, and my glucose was 82, with below 100 being normal when fasting first in the morning, so I was good!

I know boring...
Oh well.
That is why one of the medication I can no longer take is IV SoluMedrol it didn't work this time anyway, damn, same with the Copaxone not helping anymore.
Thus only pain medication and spasm medication, 1800 mg. of Gabapentin and 80 mg. of Baclofen and now also cannabis oil within the next week or so.
I have completed the process just waiting on the state health department approval. The doctors already have, my internist, neurologist and the state run cannabis center's doctor, so I should hear soon.
It's supposed to help everything.
Worried it sounds too good to be true.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...!

Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...! :   The Taylor component is working its magic in the article below! I'm all for whatever works! Vot...