Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I was told to try a higher dosage today.

.33 of the Zen cannabis oil by Alli my contact at  Surterra Wellness.
I just finished it.
I am feeling pressure on the top of my head, it has subsided.
I had hit my head again the other day on my door of one of my kitchen cabinets.
I seem to always have some type of headache, sinus, cervical neck, or most recently emanating from my cerebellum. That is where my back of my head had made contact with the vanity when I fell on December 19th of last year.
The tremor and Nystagmus started before that in Oct-Nov.
Slowly I do believe I am receiving some relief.
I really did not want to have to increase the dosages with the cost being quite dear and no insurances paying for it yet, for that is when we all will know that this method of dealing with pain has finally been accepted! I hope.
My sight comes and goes all day long, blurriness that is.
Even if it is more frequent optic neuritis there are no more quick fixes for me, since my last and seventh experience with IV SoluMedrol had proven to be very bad. With sky high glucose and plummeted kidneys. So my neurologist felt that it did not improve my outcome anyway, so no more for me!
No more biologicals injectables for me yet, due to my type of Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis none are effective for the type that doesn't relapse anymore, not active with progression. This one is mine above and explained in the hotkey below. The three that can be helped are RRMS, SP MS with relapse, and PPMS. ;    None of those three are mine.

So many might understand why I decided to go the route that I had chosen with medical marijuana, legal in all fifty United States now I might add.
But everyone has an opinion.
And many are still confused on benefits.
Well, when you feel you do not have many other choices you too may see the benefits.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...