Thursday, March 14, 2019

Another day, another goof!

I guess I am getting too old and dotty to remember this .33 dosage 3X a day 2X for the Zen and 1X for the Relief, 9,3,9, how hard can that be for anyone?
Yep, I forgot.
And way past four p.m. as it is in EST its way too late due to its properties having bursts of energy involved in the calming affect as well. Those bursts of energy is why I cannot take it too late for me.
I knew I forgot due to the timing of my ripping pain when it reminded me after four like clockwork daily again today!

Forgive my inability to post this in a timely fashion last night, but Facebook was not working!
I do believe it fixed itself during the night or earlier in that late evening.
I was in and out of sleeping during those times I suspect.
My CPAP reported I had another night of an impossible (Due that not being plausible, I never sleep that well!) 9:30 hours of sleep, but 6.8 hourly events!
Not too bad; over 5.0 just means that you have sleep Apnea, but sadly I had one night in the last week with 14.4 events with a much shorter sleep time, I think it was 4:30 hours then, not good in the moderate range! (Twice as much though it is severe, so 30.0 or more!)
If I recall, that was either Thursday or Friday night due to severe stomach pain. I take quite a bit of stomach medications according to my gastroenterologist's orders, but perhaps my polyps in my different areas, stomach, esophagus and gallbladder one or more have decided to go rogue!
Thus no stomach medication seemed to be working last week before the cannabis oil and keto diet.
Until last night I seemed to be having better news on my CPAP, and my pain seemed to be  less continuous. "1. AHI, Apnea-Hypopnea Index for sleep apnea: Less than 5 events (apnea or hypopnea) per hour is considered normal. 5 or more events per hour is considered Mild sleep apnea 15+ considered Moderate 30+ considered Severe." Thanks to:

Then I screwed up today with missing a dose!


Tomorrow's another day!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...