Sunday, March 10, 2019


Why is it that we all seem to remember our failures in life more vividly than our successes.
Okay, maybe not everyone dwells on mistakes, and make no mistake NEITHER DO I! At least I do try not to, not always successfully. Although, as I have said before I do have a short attention span and so the best way to get over any failure is to plow on into another direction!

Maybe the sting of them is just a wee bit harsher and always there in the back of our minds even when we know we are getting it all alright! Even more so than those accolades!
I have, for some unknown reason been unable to handle even any positive feedback, believing that I was entirely right, and yet it is just as hard for me to take so-called constructive criticizing either way it makes me nervous!
Some believe that I am an enigma, someone said an ameoba, since I act so sure of myself, but then I don't handle comments well and the only night time blog ones that I get below are from Hubby, but since it's in my name they write my name, but they are definitely, just in my name, he writes them nightly, got that?

In the beginning of this blog way back in 2008 quite a few did state comments I really enjoyed the mostly positive feedback.
But when I became political it got scary!
So periodically I interject a political stance, but I am no longer blatant, well maybe a little. As most who follow this drivel of mine realize this a lot about me, me, me!
Medically, and also travel that I am still on hold on... day two of cannabis oil, nothing significant has changed, so far .25 of Zen 3x two times yesterday and once today, and the Relief one .25 dose last night.
I awoke at 4:25 that was actually the new 5:25 AM., my average norm wakeup time.

I reread the initial dosage was taken in decaffeinated green tea with stevia, and according to what I wrote the effect was what the other dosages of directly in my mouth and sixty seconds under the tongue did not have anywhere near that pleasant effect of the dispersed in the tea of my initial one!
So I will go back to that simple concept and hope that is my perfect way to ingest this, "miracle drug", for me?

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...