Friday, March 29, 2019


Sure it should be a short walk to find it, after all it is on the other end of your neck in that globular shaped orb, or is that orb shaped thingy on that stick that holds it up? Neck, yes that is it!
Confusion, is more often.
I have never ever been told that I have dementia in any form, but some periods of the day I wonder, yes, I just stand holding onto my walker in one place trying to remember why I left that other place I was lying down in?
I seriously could not recall at all, and so I went back to my bed.
Venturing out of rooms is mild in comparison to going out of the front door, where these last few years I only go to our SUV morphed into a mini van, so that my motorized wheel chair can be transported with me... that we haven't had since I was a taxi cab driver for our sons, but we do again,...when did our center console fishing boat convert into a pontoon to allow me to roll on?
Lately, I seem to be forgetting things more.
I know it's age, and supposedly forgetfulness actually starts in our twenties, but on occasion in our teens about curfew, ha!

In reality words have meaning, but imagine just knowing the meaning but not the word for it?
Yup, that's me, thankfully it is sporadic.
So between my mysterious eyes' issues, mysterious since I cannot tell what causes it, over tired, overly sensitive, or overtly bored, yawn?
I have challenges, who doesn't truly?
Although, mine make it difficult to write that I love and feel this unreconcilable my love for blogging and my frustration of the ability to write even this quality, we all know it as bad, ha!

But I am like the uncle at the family holiday dinner who cannot be stopped from singing bad opera!
I just gotta do this too! I finally got you unc!
Good, bad or ugly, it's all mine!
And having this venue, reaching so many unknowns to me people in ten countries and translated to every language on this planet, is WOW What A Feeling!
Nearly 167K have read this crap/drivel for the sensitive to that type of language.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: The weather is not yet frightful...

Speaking My Mind: The weather is not yet frightful... :   Tomorrow is the day! So be prepared! Some of us, but others near and above us coul...