Thursday, March 28, 2019

Six month appointment with my pulmonologist.

Dr. Manish Kapadia the pulmonologist is a very good doctor he talks to you, looking you in the eyes, not at his computer. And when you ask a question he again listens to you as an equal.
He is one of the few long term doctors I have stayed with and him with me.
Even though I cheated on him when I had my bariatric sleeve surgery back in fall of 2016 that bariatric surgery doctor had a team that he preferred that you go to for pre-surgical testing, and so when I was sleep tested it was from one of those doctors.
And almost immediately after the surgery I requested to return to my asthma doctor who also treats my sleep Apnea! That the sleep test had shown to be the issue.

Fast forward, new old doc has been able to read my CPAP printouts, all good I was told.
But then if I am cured why must I still use a CPAP, sleep Apnea does not go away the doctor states, as well as why I must still take Breo Elipta daily for asthma, and Ventolin emergency, since my chest x-ray was clear? Asthma at this age does not go away either.

Well, Dr. Kapadia forgot to mention although he had requested my sleep test and all of my records and per my request as well, the other doctor never ever sent them!

Any-who, that was a decent appointment.
Now I will try to remember the other doctor's name and location, yup, brain freeze, caused by the Multiple Sclerosis and my age most likely.
Oh well.

Meanwhile, I have already found another dentist a little over a mile away, and over a thousand dollars cheaper!
And my neck is still sore from the other places machine and being repositioned while waiting for the net to come back up, a minute turned into more than I can imagine! I cannot stand long and this was way too long!
It caused a tickle in my throat that caused me to cough, but even Dr. Kapadia said that it is from when I hurt my throat, since my chest sounded clear.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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