Sunday, February 3, 2019

Today we were more practical on our journey...

Stopping for haircuts, Hubby's then mine, Bella needs one, but oddly enough we can walk in or in my case roll in for our hair cuts, but for her they wanted us to make an appointment!
For those who do not know who Bella is that she is our adorable Morkie, Maltese/ Yorkie!

Right now she looks a little shabby due to the last hair cut not being so neatly done. I brush her often during the day to avoid mats that she has none.
Oddly enough we think we found another groomer for her within a couple of blocks from our mini manse, how fortunate for us!

Small Friends Grooming Salon, unfortunately although next door to Hubby's barber they were not open today! I will call tomorrow and glean all the info that I can!

Oh and Aussie is our very handsome Australian Shepherd who doesn't get his fur cut, just trimmed and that I have only had to do once to his very beautiful rear hairs, but we do need to get his nails cut professionally.
Even though his nails are light in color where you could see the quick if my eyes were better I could probably see his, but my tremor could be dangerous thus why fortunately he has not needed another trim yet at fourteen and half months old, his and her nails ( her nails are black and much harder to see the quick) both could use a trim, he has had them cut two times and so has she, so they are both due  once again!

So exciting I am very sure... NOT!
Oh well, to me it is just so so too! Ha!
Then over to Home Depot for stainless steel carriage bolts, four for $12 +, wow, but needed for the dock!
We also stopped at Publix our grocery, but the one on the way home and Hubby went in for Ken's Ranch Dressing for our dinner of chicken wings carrots and celery!
Probably mashed potatoes and mixed veggies too!
We have tortilla chips and salsa.
And probably our usual of Breyers ice cream, my Breyers is low sugar and only 80 calories, Hubby's is regular but mine is covered with Hersey's chocolate shell and both are covered with Publix brand (store) real (Lite) whipped cream!
All for watching the Super Bowl L111 commercials! Ha!
Not happy with the call MISTAKE against New Orleans, they should have played that last quarter over to be fair!
I did like the Patriots, but now they are tainted.
And I believe the Saints had the game stolen from them!

New England will probably win though, again, good luck!

Any-who, we are not big football game people, my dad was i.e. any sport.
If he were here, but he isn't since he passed away at 79 in 1986, 43 when I was born, second marriage for my mom too she was 39 when I was born, her first child was at age 20 then that nineteen year gap, between me and my half brother.
My dad today would have been just 112, since he was born in 1907, and he loved all sports and even was the captain of his basketball team in high school at a mere five foot seven! I do think that was in the late 1910s, earliest 1920s and that was considered average or even perhaps tall?
Who knows... ya had to be there, I guess?

Oh well.

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Short pregame read? Sure it is! Hurry, the game is about to start!


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