Monday, February 4, 2019

Our venture today was again benign and rather mundane.

We, Hubby and I plus our the furry kids, Aussie and Bella left the mini manse to go into the busyness of our shopping areas north of our home, approximately five miles away. Errands were our aim and so we had accomplished. I had called the newer groomer that I had mentioned yesterday this morning as I had said that I would and her recorded message stated she was no longer taking new clients at this time! So our decision was to figure out where next?

On our way to our destination was another groomer and so Hubby went in and found out that their service was ala carte! So not like in the old days a lump sum charge for a bathing, cut and nail clipping all considered a grooming. Each one of those were separately charged as if you only needed one, I suppose fine for some. Anyway, the break down came in higher than we felt comfortable with and so our search goes on!

Our next stop was to get a new screw for my eyeglasses, one had fallen out and we have old eyeglasses that we use for their screws, although the one that fit the hole for my new pair was a bit too short but good enough to work until we got over there to Visionworks  where I had bought my transition glasses last August with my newest prescription. I remember the day since it was Bella's, our Morkie's Maltese /Yorkie's adoption day, 8/18/18! She sat on my lap just like a little angel, even allowing a little girl pet her!

This time Hubby did double duty he ran into Firehouse Subs and ordered our lunches since they were right next door to Visionworks! He took my glasses with him and they took care of them very nicely!
He was done in time to get our lunches!

To his horror when he went to put our lunches in the back away from our furry kids he saw a hole chewed/gnawed through the briefcase style canvas bag that we keep the kids treats and theirs and our waters that hangs behind my chair!
My chariot Permobil M300 that does stay in our van in our attached garage and is charged in there  with the side slider of the van open! Apparently, our rodents from the water have found our garage and van warmer from those colder days and nights that we had endured for the last few weeks before this past Friday's warm up!

More pet safe proper disposal compounds were bought at Lowe's on the way home! Hubby had been purchasing them at Home Depot, but they were all out yesterday when he was there for the carriage bolts... you see, they had been on the boat, up on our lift under our cover those nasty vermin! He had to hose down and bleach the boat Saturday before we had gone out due them!  So Hubby thought he had had a handle on them. We had figured between our pond and the fruit trees they and of course being waterfront they acclimated and chose this wonderful habitat when the empty lot next door finally got cut! Normal for waterfront or wood piles or wherever they want!
Gosh, but never in our car before! They have stepped over the line this time!

Anyway, Hubby took our car apart and apparently they or it did not stay in our vehicle during the day or when they heard us coming! Even the furry kids seemed unaware, at least they did not go berserk in our car waiting with me for Hubby or as we drove.

And neither of them could get back there due to Hubby had sectioned the van off with a sheet of plywood, giving our now fifty-five pound Aussie quite a nice section of carpeting, with a throw pillow, water bowl and very large Nylabone! You see, our mini van is a seven passenger, but all seats except our front driver and passenger ones are the stow and go type and with our little ones always down.
Bella sits up front on my lap, don't yell at me about safety, twice today people braked in front of us for no reason, the light ahead was green! And yes, we almost got rear ended twice, one person even had to go sideways to avoid hitting our rear bumper! We do have a harness that attaches to the seat belt for Bella that was used on one of her predecessors and I do believe I will use it next outing!
Shame on me! Dangerous!

We did have plans to go to the Beach Complex Park, but it was getting late and Hubby wanted me to get home in time to watch General Hospital at 2 P.M.! How thoughtful, what a guy.

Moving on...

"The Cerebellum in Advanced MS

In a person with advanced MS, movement problems together with spasticity (muscle tightness or stiffness) may cause severe physical disability. In addition, the ongoing damage to the cerebellum may lead, for example, to slurred speech, “scanning” speech (slow forming of words and pauses between words or even syllables), and the Charcot triad, consisting of scanning speech, nystagmus (rapid and involuntary eye movements), and intention tremor.

  • Intention tremor is involuntary shaking of an extremity during visually guided, purposeful (intentional) activity, such as reaching for an object on a table. A person with MS who has intention tremor will often “overshoot” or “undershoot” the target; this is called dysmetria." *Above is what my neurologist explained what is happening to me.
  • *Thanks to:
  • Happy good night all! 
  • Count your blessings and we will too! 
  • And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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