Wednesday, February 6, 2019

PetSmart disaster!

In my opinion PetSmart dog groomers in Port Charlotte should be not used for any of your pets!
I called to make an appointment and told them that Bella last time had been over charged and her hair was not cut properly since it is growing all chopped up! Their groomer Christopher did not like Hubby watching the process the whole time either.
It was out of concern for Bella's well being, so this groomer up-charged us $14.00 from their base price of $44.00. And this we were told was done due to me bathing her prior to her hair cut and the fact that Hubby felt the need to watch the process of the nail cutting and all due to the news of that back room in many PetSmarts had dogs die!
They swore that they did not have that drying room that the news mentioned!
Okey dokey and so the only issue was me bathing her prior to her hair cut, and that seemed incongruity for our previous experience with the rest of their stores amenities for our needs.
The training facility, their equipment: leads, collars, toys as well as their Banfield Animal Hospital all seemed very admirable and user friendly!
Today I made another grooming appointment for Bella telling them that I will be bathing her and that we would prefer another groomer, and to not delve into what happened last time I told a little white lie that Bella responds better to women, and this was to not get Christopher again who we Hubby and I both felt he did a shoddy job on her hair, but we did not want to rehash that issue, and truly felt maybe it was him not that their process would feel unless you had them shampoo your dog it would come out badly! So when I made the appointment today again I explained why I would be bathing Bella at home, so she would not be taken out of our sight this inflamed their people Kaylee, and their assistant manager Nicole who called me back telling me they're cancelling Bella's appointment due to MY ATTITUDE and giving her people a hard time!?
In fact, I just tried to explain my concerns and they did NOT AGREE, and so now Hubby called their corporate office demanding Nicole to be fired!
In the interim he cancelled Aussie's advance training class for a full refund, and asked me to cancel Aussie's yearly vet appointment that fortunately I was able to get an immediate one much closer to home and he is scheduled already!
The new veterinarian also has many cards from groomers I was told.
Meanwhile, I did look online for a mobile one and right now they are calculating the info I downloaded including Bella's picture.
I wonder if I will be hearing from them?

Any-who, the takeaway from this experience is to accept what a retailer such as PetSmart tells you their way or the highway!

Nah... not for me!

Not listening to your customers will cause you to fail miserably!
No customers no business, remember that ye old adage!

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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