Thursday, February 7, 2019

Blog, blogging, blogger, BlogY?

The first three we all know, but did any of you know what B L O G Y is?
Funny thing is I thought I made up a new word, but NOPE it does exist!
How about that?
Oh you all knew that, really?
Aren't you just way too SMART!
Correction, in my opinion you can never ever be too smart, but too dumb sure, not good!
Any-who, for us less superior beings the word BLOGY means:

"This is BlogY (pronounced, blogee), a lightweight blogging engine built upon ExpressJS, Handlebars and Markdown. The aim being to design a very simple engine, with minimal setup. It is as simple as 1.2.3.. :)


BlogY has been inspired from both Ghost and Jekyll. I love Ghost platform, for its simplicity and ability to change configs. And Jekyll, on how easy it is generate a website and create posts/pages. You can say, its a crossover between both blogging platforms. Rather than providing a backend for it, you can change the config file and it will do the job for you (as long as, its under your control)."

Thanks to:

Are you like me? And I do not mean short fat disabled and
I mean still curious about the meaning of words, and new words?
I am.
I even belong to word of the day, so cool for people like me, us?
You too can join for free below!

Happiness is knowing the word of the day's meaning before you read about it!

Similar to getting the Jeopardy TV show's answers right, makes me realize I still got it!

Brain functioning, that is... you see I do forget to write small words and sometimes I cannot remember a word all due to my cognitive ability going kerflooey:, with having advanced Secondary Progressive MS, knowing the words and answers are refreshing, truly!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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