Monday, February 18, 2019

People are genuinely interesting...

They surprise you when you least expect it, and for that I am grateful!
Almost wrote grapeful, which although not correct would have been more funny?
Only because it is too silly!

Talking to you all last night and then today my mood has changed, and its not, because my circumstances have, no they are the same, no mystical cures for this insidious disease overnight.
Thus my ability to have a very short attention span!
It's so helpful.
And a non-issue with just us two adults and two furry kids to deal with?
I do believe I am rather amusing, and not that boring or dull, all in perspective as we know.
Personality flaws can be that way, true?
Getting bored with ones self is less insulting than getting bored with others, but just between you me and the bedpost I get bored with others too!
Oops, did I say that out loud?

Continuing in this vein, how many of you half listen when people talk to you?
Come on, be honest, yes many of us are/were too self absorbed, even before technology took over!
Just me?
I am NOT socially acceptable!
 I was so used to talking at people from management and training people, fundraising, co-president of a support group, teaching classes. You must take charge!
Is what was ingrained my brain, and so that explains a lot, hmm?

Had a nice call from an old friend that doesn't believe in blogs, and so I did not mention I was in the middle of writing mine at this time nightly, and now a bit later than I like to be.

Odd how I am keeping this to myself... oh well, there is so little of that in me.

Any-who, interruptions are funny.
At times they are welcomed as a mere distraction from intense thinking or writing and other times they can be annoying when you feel the need to finish what you had started, and then sometimes you don't care a freaking bit!
At all.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be there or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...