Sunday, February 24, 2019

I am as amazed as you are about...

how much we get bombarded with notifications all day long!
So there is not much I can say except that my communication skills are limited only by my hands on experiences!
In other words if I do not post this blog wherever and whenever I get the chance no one will be able to read this!
Although, in reality this blog is written mostly for my own and my immediately family's benefit to know where my brain might have been at any said time while experiencing this slow and low disease taking me over and how I respond to that prestigious way of dealing with such an issue!
Me and run on sentences.
We are one with that!

Breaks are many.
Eyes are dancing to a different tune! But mine are blue eyes, and the dance is the same though!

Just a visual for all of you who didn't get it yet!

Below is what a tremor looks like, so you can imagine it when I hit these keys on my idea pad...oops!

That's it for tonight!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

1 comment: said...


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