Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Happy Chinese New Year and so it is the year of the pig!

For more info about this Chinese New Year and more traditions, goto:

So we are celebrating by ordering non traditional dinners, but from our favorite Chinese restaurant China City! Hubby's is the shrimp in lobster sauce combo meal, and mine is lobster lo mien ,with a large egg drop soup for both!

Thankfully no more of that stuff they used to put in Chinese food MSG I think it was, yes it was... I like many others used to get terrible headaches from that!
It took years to know what was causing headaches after eating or favorite food.

I already have a headache, have had one all day!
Scary things have been going on where I wake up with both arms going numb, but the pain emanates from the shoulders!
TMI, forgive.
Although in that same vein of topic... my MS hugs have also gotten worse, happy that I had that echocardiogram, since now I know my heart is okay, and that the squeezing and numbness is NOT A HEART ATTACK, just my nasty MS rearing its ugly head with even higher doses of Baclofen of 80mg. a day and Gabapentin 900 mg. again! Besides it happens too often and I would have been a goner by now!

While on this unsavory topic, my health again, my eyes are watching silent movies due to that dancing eye thingy Nystagmus, with an all day license! Same with my dancing hands, staccato, with my tremors as well as my non drunk and disorderly, without alcohol walking! No fun! Even so I did weed the gardens when I took Bella outside each time, and dusted all our rooms and fans and hallway included! My exercise plan! But painful just the same, I know PACING!.

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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