Sunday, September 16, 2018

Wondering what would happen...

If I decided to throw the blog writing torch over to another gal...Bella!
Just one of those off the wall ideas that many come up with when daydreaming is more than a hobby.
Now that process can also be named creative thinking and or writing...or not!
But let's face it what is creative thinking really?
Long enough.
It is your imagination in play!
Yup, playing.
She, Bella does look rather comfortable at the keyboard truly, don't you think so?
Oh to retire once more...nah!
As a novice writer her verbal skills are limited, actually imperceivable, alas she is a mute, sadly.
No, "I luvs you!" from this little one, yet, or even an, "out", but working on that!
Where there is a will there is always a way!
And there is the other issue of the computer itself; techno devices can be intimidating to even some humans, still.
Hurdles to get over, and not to mention no opposable thumbs, although thumbs in key picking are nearly never used, so ditch that excuse.
Hunt and pick is how many writers go over keyboards, since writing longhand on paper these days is rarely used, and typewriters have also gone the way of many dinosaurs!
Many talk into recording devices on their computers or phones.
But that is a problem since Bella is fairly quiet, and not that much of a conversationalist.
Many writers like myself are long winded talkers and that is also how they write, as I say about myself...quite verbose!
Her claim to fame so far is that she is a GREAT LISTENER!
And they too make extraordinary writers!
Taking it all in.
So hope reigns supreme that my backup, second stringer, stand-in might someday take the lighted torch, nah too dangerous, okay, flashlight, in the UK they are the same thing... but you guys know what I mean, a battery lighted bulb object... and she will carry-on in my absence?

Oh well and ha!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Pray for the Carolinas!

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