Monday, September 17, 2018

White Noise

Definition is:
"White Noise,  a noun

  1. Also called white sound. steady, unvarying, unobtrusive sound, as anelectronically produced drone or the sound of rain, used to mask or obliterateunwanted sounds.
  2. Physicsrandom noise with a uniform frequency spectrum over a wide range offrequencies."
  3. Thanks to:

Have you ever felt like white noise?
Like you are talking and no one is listening, due to your tone?

Sometimes, but thankfully not too often I do feel that way.

Moving on...

I have noticed that many people are wonderful and ask on our Facebook pages to support many of their non-profit organizations, how truly thoughtful.
Having been a volunteer for such organizations during a forty year period I do believe that is truly wonderful!

I had been a fundraiser via production of fashion shows, entertainment program, and golf tournament, co-president of the support group and volunteer teacher of Aquatics and self help for the Arthritis Foundation, eye and math tester for Volunteers in Public Schools, AKA VIP, I have been an online advocate for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, I have donated and collected monies for the American Cancer Society, Red Cross, Good Will, Salvation Army, Unicef, Humane Society, Animal Welfare League and many more smaller non-profits.
We had helped in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew, I was a Webelo's assistant leader when our eldest was involved and Hubby was the County Coordinator for the Boy Scouts back then in NJ, a volunteer.
Hubby had been a volunteer fireman then fire chief for twelve years in NJ!
He also was an assistant soccer coach at that time, in NJ.
All volunteering.
We have worked for the Police Athletic League, PAL, and Special Olympics also in volunteering capacity, here in Port Charlotte FL.
I am proud to say we have donated clothing and furniture and appliances over the years, but not too much actual cash.

We have been, in the past and still with me online advocacy try hard to contribute.
So I feel badly not offering monies to everyone who asks for help, and say no or nothing at all mostly these days.
My health has stopped me from physically helping and our not large funds/income have made the guilt of not being able to give significant monies awash in helping... so many need help and ask constantly, and so we just say no to all, SORRY!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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