Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hubby is not good again.

 He has a 101.8 fever while still on the antibiotic, his last one just taken after being on another ten days' worth!
What's going on?
And yes, he is taking two extra strength Tylenol now too.
His other symptoms are not huge, a stomachache, described as queasy, and loss of appetite.
Soup was turned down.
Concerned again.
Anyone have any ideas what's going on?
He refuses to go to the hospital!
Perhaps a doctor's appointment tomorrow if he can get one?
There is always the Walk-in Clinic.

Moving on...

I had my six month pulmonologist Dr. Kapadia check up today who takes care of my asthma, and sleep Apnea. I told him about my concerns of choking when I fell asleep without my CPAP on; it has happened several times.
He listened to my other concern of pain in the chest region that in my case can be my thoracic stenosis or my GERD or a lung issue and so I now have a prescription for a chest X-ray that I haven't had in two years.

Moving on!

Dr. Ford  was put through hell doing her CIVIC DUTY, and not out of it yet ... with her family suffering from all that has been brought to light from her teen years' allegations of the sexual assault from Judge Kavanaugh that to me sounded quite credible. She and her family have had death threats and have had to move already a few time for safety, who would bring this all up to go through this, unless it IS TRUE! Her background proves her decency. And she does want the background checks of the witnesses by the FBI. 

Judge Kavanaugh to me is not as believable. He has been too emotional, and too much contradictory  back tracking with his statements. His high school yearbook contradicts most of his denials of how he is portrayed, when he insists that he was, so very "squeaky clean"in his high school years 1979-83! He filled his days with sports, studying and church activities!
He does NOT want FBI background checks of the witnesses.

And the confirmation hearing goes on and on, and on... and DAMN the vote is still scheduled for tomorrow! I say vote NO to confirm!

Happy good night all!

Count the blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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