Tuesday, September 25, 2018


No broken bones, just a broken blood vessel! (RELIEF!)
In my foot! And that sounds more exciting than just a bruise that is the same thing!

Exam by a podiatrist with an X-ray included... is worth the
peace of mind though...so priceless!

Knowledge is truly power!

Moving on...

Hubby too had good news today on his final eye exam of his below his right eye cysts' infection has begun to heal beautifully!

Now you can see how bad it had been.
All caused by a foreign object flying into his cysts while mowing the lawn even with his safety glasses on, and then causing that horrid infection!

Well, something good has come from the whole issue; today we finally hired lawn men to take over that dangerous job.
It was hard for Hubby to give up that job, since he has done it forever, but he has.
The lawn was done today!
And looks great!

We had stopped by a neighbor's, around the corner, and Hubby just asked if the men could give us a price, $30, same as everyone else, and then they fit us in immediately!
Now we are scheduled with the other lawns a few of them around the corner that they do too!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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