Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Still not normal, but really who is?

My blood work that is, and sure yours may be within the perimeters of standardized norms/ numbers.
Mine on the other hand have been funky, not quite right... must be a mirror of me, hmm!
Nothing that severe, but a bit concerning for someone like me without a medical degree, and who knows just enough to be able to scare herself!
Take my ASGOT (SGOT) please... oh 2/2/18 it was 82 HIGH when 0-40 is normal, liver enzymes.
It went down this last blood letting on 3/27/18 to 55, ya see still not OK, norms still the same 0-40.
ALT (SGPT) 70 HIGH, norms 0-32 in Feb, and now 44 with norms still the same.
A/G Ratio was normal at 1.9  in Feb.with the norms being 1.4-4.5, now high at 2.3 with the norms changing to 1.2-2.2, confusing for the same thing, same lab????
eGFR was 50 in February and now 55 in March both low when norms are above >59. Stage three A CKD.
Creatinine 1.14 in Feb. and now 1.05 norms are high above the 0.57-1.00.

So I saw my new GP internist Dr. Casanova, and he said so they went down, we will keep an eye on them, not alarmed at all, and I will be seeing him again in August with Hubby's appointment the same day and time.
What scared me while waiting to go in I had a fairly lovely conversation with a bright, sharp octogenarian who was nearly into her next decade at eighty nine, and I wasn't able to remember things in our conversation about my personal stuff like what kind of dog Aussie was, and too many other things, scary! Maybe my sleeping issues? I did fall on March 21st off my walker, (I know at least it wasn't my rocker, hmm) that I use to take Aussie out in the pool area. What happened I tried to sit on the seat and forgot to lock it and it rolled right out from under me and boom on my but right on the ground, not my head! It was just after five A.M. and I did lock it to get up and sat and rolled on it to get back inside.
Hubby was asleep and I did not want to wake him, and screaming from outside would have been feudal anyway! I have been sore ever since, but only upped my dosage once of Gabapentin and I am proud to say that I have been able to stick to just one hundred milligrams twice a day!
And that I forgot to tell him about any of it or ask him if he had received the 3D mammogram results, I have once verbally and once today in writing and that is fine, thankfully!
I used to be so good at writing things down or Hubby would remind me or I would remind him, but he was outside with Aussie not in with me! But that's alright, eventually Aussie will come in too.

Anyway, we ended up going to the mall food court for lunch, and I had less than half of my spinach pie and a Greek salad and brought more than half home and Hubby ate his Italian Stromboli in its entirety!
So I guess one could say we both had Mediterranean diets! Good for us, right?

On that note Happy Good Night All!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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