Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Called a couple of docs today...

First one was my fairly new neuro, Dr. Lilliana Montoya, her nurse who called me back almost as soon as I left the message with me asking a few questions.
Like the fact that I had lowered my dosage on two medications for my spasms over weeks/months really, Baclofen down to 40 mg. a day unless I need more, which I have and I can take the additional amounts safely, and Gabapentin that I also lowered all the way down to 200 mg. a day. And now with this warmer weather and us going out more often it appears that I am being affected with it, since it has been causing more spasms. I have not been wearing my cooling vest either, since it is so bulky and this one has so many ice packs, too many in my opinion!
I do believe that is probably why, but not absolutly sure.
And apparently they have not received any of my blood work from the GP as of yet.
Angie, her nurse also thought I might want to move up my office visit to this month from my six month one in June, and she said she would ask the doctor and call me back, and she did!
Apparently, it was important enough to fit me in at the end of this month, so I thanked her.
I had mentioned the memory thing and also the fall.
Geez, I remembered!
Meanwhile, I also left a message for my GP, Dr. Casanova's nurse Michelle and I still have not heard back...waiting, oh well, and that was before the other one was called this morning.

Today was a quiet day except for it being my designated day for puppy bathing.
Not too difficult in my roll in shower that has a marble bench and hand sprayer.
I found also putting down an old towel on the marble bench keeps it from being too slippery and calms Aussie's sliding concern way down to lying down in compliance, making it all so much easier!
Since I get wet too in the process when I give him his bath/shower so I give him his just before I take mine and it all works out just right!
Also every Wednesday is our change the sheets day, and so when he gets to the point where he will be sleeping on our bed everything including him will be nice and clean!
I know TMI, but that's me!

Most of today I did spend in bed.
Still sore and not sleeping well, about five hours last night, according to my CPAP reading.
Thus my time/reasoning for calling the doctors.

My initial concern was the thought to stop the Copaxone for a while, since my most recent MRI showed that I was stable in the lesions' department. You see, with my liver and kidney problems I am trying to lower the medicine toxicity in my system, and I am not sure what the culprit is, but my statin is a BIG contender from what I read. I have been on it twelve years and nearly eight on the Copaxone. Although, my high cholesterol is mostly inherited; of course diet plays into it too, and I do try to eat healthier than Hubby it would seem. He eats bacon cheeseburgers, while I eat salads! See inherited! His cholesterol is quite low now, also inherited, but he is on the same statin dosage as mine, which has been lowered to just three days a week and I am still seven, with mine still slightly over the correct number by twenty four points!

Ahhh unsweet mysteries in life!

On that note, have a very happy good night all!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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