Sunday, February 11, 2018

The local NBC affiliate had an item on why dogs bite the other night

And so I perked up my own ears, ha!
I sort of wondered, since I have been bitten many times since the age of five.
What I heard is that the dogs can tell that you are afraid of them or that they are afraid of you?
Either way my incidences of my trials and tribulations of being the bitten victim wise does not jive with their specialist in whatever field that might have determined their reasoning for such happenings with our pets.
At five, I had bent down to an adorable looking Chihuahua out on the lawn and said as I reached out to pet him what a cute little doggy! He growled and bit at the same time on my finger!
The second time I was twelve, and again it was not due to my fear, perhaps the dogs, since she was on my aunts bed and I said high Count, the Cocker Spaniel's name and again, bitten on my hand!

Third and most major biting was our own Andrew, a collie mix rescue as an eight week old pup from Hurricane Andrew, he was at the time a fully grown adult dog of about seven years old lying behind my rolling computer chair and I accidentally rolled over his tail, my bad, especially since after hearing his loud yelped I bent down to him and said something to the effect, "are you okay sorry", and forty-two stitches later I regret that all these years later still.
He stayed with us for his last couple of years after that until he passed away from of all things liver cancer.

Jump forward fifteen years to 2014, December 27, and the adoption of little Gus/Gaston, a rescue Havanese mix, the first time he bit me he was curled up sleeping at the end of our bed and I bent over to kiss him on the white star on his farhead, he had looked so adorable there, and he awoke to biting my lip, the same one that Andrew had decimated all those years before. This time I had Hubby get the crate out of the car and put him into it in the house, since we again were going to the hospital!

Although, Hubby was one hundred miles away, in Tampa, at a Hurricane Conference for work, when Andrew got me all those years ago and I needed all those stitches and a  plastic surgeon then, so I drove myself, and waited in emergency for five hours by myself, on a Sunday, while the doctor I was waiting for was finishing his barbecue party.
He is a local government official too these days.
And no I did not vote for him, my opposing party.
That doctor had the nerve to play politics with me when he arrived knowing that I was a smoker he told me he would not stitch me up unless I promised him then and there that I would quit smoking right then!
I did not take his threat, and did not lie either so I told him I could not promise that, and of course he did stitch me up with forty-two tiny stitches.
As I said I am nothing if not honest.
This was about seven years before I actually did quit for my other own reasons.
Too upset to quit then.

Gus bit me twice after that first time was once when I was tickling his belly he got my wrist, and another time I was petting him he got my hand!
Must have meant the dog was afraid?
We had him for a year by then though, and never ever did do anything to scare or harm him. Hubby had been bit too.

I wonder if that specialist in animal behavior ever had a dog?
We have had many more over the years that never ever did bite me, with nearly fifty years of marriage and all those years growing up before being married with having pets; you do the math. I am baffled at how they come to these ridiculous conclusions, really!

We must stop listening to all these specialists, some that have never been married or are divorced telling people how to have good relationships. Same with child rearing all the ones who never had any children. Watchers beware!

Or the news scares about medications that have most recently been found to do this or that, when you have been using them for years without any issues!
It is like the warnings on prescriptions for those one percent that have their hair fall out, or teeth or I have no idea what, but then you stop the stuff and die????????????????

The informative news, the real news, the political news, the fluff news and the human interest news and on and on and on can become white noise after a while, hmm?

Well, all I can suggest is that experience in life does seem to teach us somewhat that education is more than books and sometimes common sense should be the one to prevail in life, ya know what I mean?

 So I guess I am just another annoyed consumer of TV news.
I suspect that having been jaded over the years with all the incorrect reporting or better said not quite accurate reporting, makes one turn them off, and that is our right. And someone please give a class on local geography when the newbies arrive from hither and yon, PLEASE!
Sadly, the loop of info continues, on too may slow news days, good though I suppose, but even when there are BIG news stories elsewhere we get minuscule blurbs, elaborate on those PLEASE!
You may be designated local, but we are a microcosm of international people in this state who really NEED TO KNOW!

We had been avid watchers/listeners for hours and hours a day, but I have now found myself cringing and speaking loudly at the TV screen with all the mistakes on air daily and switching the TV off!

I do understand that the business is based on the immediacy of getting the news out there to us, but GEEZ get some more fact checkers on staff PLEASE! Let's get real since we all know what happens when even the highest position held in the land speaks, TWEETS, before he knows what he is saying to be right or true or in his case logical, and decent...!
So many so-called know-it-alls on TV and other media venues have been proven to be WRONG!

Rant done...WHEW!
I feel better now.
That is all.
Most news is very interesting right or wrong, ha.
I suppose it is up to us consumers to check all the facts, exhausting work for free.

Happy good night to all!

 And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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