Friday, March 13, 2015


We all do it!
Get your minds out of the gutter; look at my title please, yep methinks we thinks, or not I suppose.

Not in all situations and not always first, true?
I know personally that behavior of NOT thinking first before acting or opening our mouths to speak is what gets most of us in trouble, hmm?

Tonight I did not think too much about what I would be writing here, but as many know I never do.
This stuff is not that technical, informative or valuable so in reality who would want to think about it before it ends up here for all eternity, truly?
Sure I occasionally have an opinion that might mean something to me but not really to too many of you, unless I hit it home or a nerve or made you angry.
Thankfully, I am pretty much unknown in the bigger picture of this world called earth.
Venus or Mars or Mercury may have heard of me. 
Nah, probably not either.
Of course I'm kidding or not,who knows who cares.

Where was I?

Oh, thinking yes, I am all for it within reason, how about you?

I have come to the conclusion when asked most will agree.
Although... there could be some holdouts, small cells of dissidents who do not agree with anything logical, ya know?
Sure you do.
That tells me that you are NOT a dissident; good for you!

Being agreeable doesn't have to mean that you don't have an original idea or thought in your wee brain, believe me when I say I have days that you wouldn't want to hear the details about.

But I digress, you think, I think, and perhaps maybe even "they" think, ya think?
Self offense!


Any-who, in closing I too am for the concept "of thinking" and have been a known supporter of the cause and effect it tends to portend in the public arena for decades; although in the privacy of your own home I do THINK it is up to the parties involved and I am firm in that belief.


On that note of so much hokum I am physically wondering whether to laugh or vomit, neither actually, since I thought about it!Try it, you might like it too, and allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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