Saturday, March 14, 2015

Gus in Training

Today we watched one of our favorite TV shows at ten A.M. on CBS it is on every Saturday, Lucky Dog, check your local listings.

The basis of the whole show is when a professional dog trainer, Brandon, adopts/rescues dogs from shelters and trains them to be suitable for families, military vets, elderly, and business people etc. with all specific needs for the dogs being trained or with dogs having behavioral or other types of issues.

One show had a vet home from war with two amputated legs and prosthesis needing a service dog and he helped him with an appropriately trained dog, another wanted to take the dog to work and he trained that dog to behave in an office setting, another had a family with a pool and he made sure the dog knew how to swim and get out of the pool (author's note: Gus did swim when he fell in to our pool, but it was the getting out that was an issue), and I suppose now you have gotten the idea… It is a southern California based reality show and sincerely informative for dealing with pet problems and normal positive training and a feel good ending every time.

Teaching the seven commands for any pet is a must and they are: sit, down, stay, come, no, off, and heel. The show has been on for nearly two years now. Below is the original press release from when the show began.

This is Brandon teaching the seven commands on video:

He also addresses problematic issues and has on his doggie ranch doggie cams to watch inside or outside to see everything from separation anxiety to territory marking to destroying things even going through the garbage in an office or kitchen all problems are dealt with consistently. For a half hour show it is quite a learning experience.

Today he used one that we had seen before with cats climbing on kitchen counters, but this one was for a dog tearing up the waste basket and it worked, pennies in a water bottle, yep plastic and it did work, it’s the pennies hitting each other that make the noise so no tin can is needed.

We had an empty peanut butter jar in plastic in the recycling bin and so I used it for the barking issue, and even the running back and forth behind the couch every-time he sees a cat or the dogs across the street etc. or when barking while we eat and you know what it worked! Just twenty cents worth of pennies to make enough noise and the command no and he stopped! Amazing! Treats after are given, his own dog food just a piece or two of his kibbles, followed with positive comments go along with proper behavior, such as good job, good boy, terrific! He really looks so proud after as if he does understand.

As far as the other commands go we are still working on them, stay is getting there for when Hubby goes out the front door or people come in it, sit and down are doing nicely, heel too, off is not bad but no…still working on it!

Even we old dogs/people, Hubby and me, can learn to try some newer tricks to help Gus become the dog we know he has in him.

On that note of let’s hope allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

A perfect sit and look at Mommy! Just now!

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